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[Writer Post] SciFi4Me.Com Radio Interview

Posted by reudaly on August 6, 2014 in Podcast/Media, Writing |

Last night I was on Internet Radio with SciFi4Me.Com – and it was a cool and weird experience. Let me tell you… I met Jason Hunt from at one of the Dallas Comic Con shows a year or so ago. They were doing random floor interviews with people, and yes, I will talk to anyone… Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago… Jason contacts me through Facebook to ask if I’ll do their radio show for their August Book Month. Sure! Publicity, you know. We needs it, my precious.

New Entertainment Podcasts with SciFi4Me Live From the Bunker on BlogTalkRadio

When I agreed, August 5th seemed WAY far away… and lo, behold, it was here. And being internet radio, that meant dealing with technology (I swear I must be at least part Dresden-Universe Magical – tech doesn’t seem to like me). In this case, Skype. I have a Skype account, having any idea what the log in was? Yeah, not so much. But we got it figured out, set up, tested, and running all in good order. But they do a live stream of the show – as well as the audio. So, there was a camera pointed at the monitor of my Skype call… it was very surreal.

Jason was kind to me. We talked Redheads of the Apocalypse – with only one stumbly question. I think I handled it well. We talked about conventions and stuff, and before I knew it, we were done. It was one of the fastest half-hours ever. I hope I gave good props to YardDog Press – without Selina and Lynn, there would be nothing to interview about, and I hope I was coherent. That’s all anyone can really ask in an interview.

So, check out the interview – point and laugh if you must. But this is the job. This is how we get the word out. We do interviews – even when it means staying up past our bedtimes. We do conventions. We talk to people. If you’re an aspiring writer, know this going in. It doesn’t matter what level or how you publish – Big Five, Small Press, Self – getting the word out about your book/story/art is on you.

Please check out – they’re good people. I opened their August Book Month. Not sure how high a bar I set for future guests, but hey. Someone’s gotta be first. Let’s keep this site going so more writers, artists, and creators can have a place to promote their work and talk about Sci Fi.

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1 Comment

  • Jason Hunt says:

    Thanks for those kind words. 🙂

    We really appreciate your taking the time to open up Book Month and talk about your work. It was a fun half-hour (and yes, it goes by very quickly *every* night).

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