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[Spotlight Post] Arianne “Tex” Thompson

Posted by reudaly on August 1, 2014 in Books, Conventions, Spotlight |

It’s Spotlight Day. And though I met and hung out with a lot of people at ArmadilloCon this weekend, I think I’ll introduce you to just one of them today – because she had a “book birthday” this week – and it’s her first. Everyone say, “Howdy” to Arianne “Tex” Thompson. She was on a sub-genre panel with me.

Tex is on the far left, and I was scooting back to get comfortable - NOT storming of in a huff - pic by John Husisian

Tex is on the far left, and I was scooting back to get comfortable – NOT storming of in a huff – pic by John Husisian

I interacted first (that I’m aware of, though I’m sure our paths have crossed before) on Facebook when Kathi Kimbriel got us talking through the message feature about the sub-genre panel. Little did it register to either of us that we’re practically neighbors…in the Texas sense. We live in the same metropolitan area and run in the same (yet apparently different) circles.

We had a fun conversation on Sunday before the panel – I’d spoken to her on Saturday night in the midst of the parties. Nothing registers during parties. Really. Trust me on this. So she apologized to me on Sunday, not realizing what was going on (did I mention Saturday night parties?) and thought it would’ve SURELY registered that she was on a panel with an Apocalyptic Redhead.
[asa] B00M0CWOU0[/asa]
We had this conversation at a book dealer table with a shiny new novel on it by Tex Thompson, One Night in Sixes. So I bought it and had her sign it. It’s a sub-genre crossover piece – SF/Western/Dark…she calls it FireflyMeets Stephen King’s Dark Tower. Now, because of benedryl and convention exhaustion I’m not very far in, but I can hear the same voicing/cadence as Firefly, so far so good.

What I didn’t know until the panel is that the copy I bought was on that “fell off the truck”. It didn’t “officially” come out until the Tuesday after ArmadilloCon. I was able to gloat a little since others I know hadn’t gotten theirs yet.

But Tex is fun. You should check out the book, and if you get a chance, meet her. She’s a hoot. I’m looking forward to getting to know her better.

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