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[Writer Post] The Surreal Life

Posted by reudaly on July 16, 2014 in Conventions, Podcast/Media, Writing |

A writer’s life is sometimes very surreal… okay, well, at least mine is. I probably shouldn’t speak to other writers’ lives, but yeah, mine can be very surreal. It’s a very weird mix of “Mundane” with spurts of “Holy Cow”. I’m kinda going through one of those spurts at the moment and part of it is convention season when we get away from the laundry and have people treat us like we’re special (and sometimes “Special”).

But sometimes… it’s just weird.

Like when you write a bizarre little story that has an editor saying, “you better send that to me”. Yeah, that doesn’t normally happen (but when it does, it’s usually when you’re throwing up your hands saying, “I’m never going to sell anything ever again!”). I’m not saying I was there, but I haven’t been as prolific on the short stories lately, so this is gratifying.

I’ve been approached by SciFi4Me.Com to be part of their radio show in August for Book Month. Their show is live on BlogTalkRadio Monday-Thursday from 10:30-11 pm CST – and yes, that’s late for me. I hope to be coherent on August 5th. They do archive, and I’ll mention it again before time, but dude, I’m going on the radio(ish).

Then the really weird but cool thing…last week, I got a private message through Facebook. A musician I used to hang with at a coffee house was looking for lyrical inspiration for his band. I flippantly threw out some of my more bizarre story topic. He jumped at them. So there might be some very bizarre music coming out of the DFW area in the not too distant future. It’s hugely flattering, but so far beyond what I would consider the norm that…hey, surreal.

So yeah, that’s my highly non-standard week as a writer. These are very, very few and far between unless you’re much, much bigger than me. But it’s still cool when it happens. Now… on to the North Texas Comic Book Show on Saturday and ArmadilloCon next weekend.

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