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[Spotlight Post] Matt Frank & What Star Trek Means to Me

Posted by reudaly on July 4, 2014 in Conventions, Spotlight |

Last post about SoonerCon and then we’ll look forward to the next North Texas Comic Book Show and ArmadilloCon. This convention was just a hoot, I had to break it up before it was its own novel. Since Friday is a Spotlight Day… I’m going to tell you about some people I encountered because that’s what happens at SoonerCon with the Reed Convention Center and the attached Sheraton.

Do to the kindness of roommates (thank you Lys and Shado), last year we were upgraded to the “Club Floor” of the Sheraton. It was such a nice experience we did it again this year. It is an upgrade, but that’s what provides some of the interesting. The club floor has a nice place to sit and talk, when you’re not in the lobby in the comfy couches. In a calm(ish) moment between Opening Ceremonies and Artist Reception, we were there with Lys and Shado and a few other people. Another guy entered the conversation…as you do… happened to be Matt Frank – the Comic Book Special Guest. If you don’t know who Matt Frank is – he’s the lead artist for IDW Publishing’s Godzilla series and is working on Transformers. Which means he’s crazy talented as well as a super fun guy. He’s also from Austin – so Texas conventions – check him out, he’s good. You should bring him in.

Thanks Vickey Malone Kennedy for awesome picture.

Thanks Vickey Malone Kennedy for awesome picture.

And in true Fan Girl Style – I have to spotlight the “What Star Trek Means To Me” panel. I alluded to it in my post about Star Trek Continues. It ended up being just Vic Mignogna, Larry Nemecek, and me. Deborah Chester was unable to attend the panel. And I knew people were there mostly to hear from Vic and Larry – they’re the “named” guests. They’re the “professional” fans of Star Trek. But it was so much fun just telling stories about our lives and backgrounds and how Star Trek influenced it.
Vic telling a Nichelle Nichols story.

Vic telling a Nichelle Nichols story.

If I can ever get video I’ll share it, because Vic Mignogna makes a living with his voice – so he tells a really good and dramatic story, and now that he’s playing Kirk? It comes out even more when we’re talking about Trek. And yes, I know my stories were probably a lot more lame than Larry and Vic’s – but they’re my stories, and I hope they were entertaining on some part. It would’ve been pretty easy to get lost in that shuffle, but they were really good about including me in the discussions – especially since we all seem to come from the same yet different paths to our love of Star Trek . I tried really hard not to be “That Fan Girl”.

If you haven’t seen Star Trek Continues and you love Star Trek – please go watch, and like and follow. Larry and Vic are part of an amazing and professional crew of people who are every bit the fan that the rest of us are – they just figured out a way to make a living with and around it. I’m working on it.

So. Go check out the links and sites – see how you can support and encourage these amazing artists and fans. Buy comic books. Watch the videos. Buy our books and support these creative endeavors. We can’t do anything without you, our audience. And now I’m going to stop before I cross the line to “Creepy”. 😎

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