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[Writer Post] Random Posts are Random

Posted by reudaly on April 30, 2014 in Writing |

It’s Wednesday, which means blog day. And, once more I’m flummoxed…scattered… something. I am busy (or at least should be). But that’s not translating as well to coherent thought as you’d think.

Sunday we had a very productive Redheads of the Apocalypse meeting. It all goes well, there might be a fourth book. We have ideas, oh yes, and they’re funny (if executed well). And there’s a deadline…so I do need to be working on that. It does tend to take me a couple of days to go from “Holy Crap a deadline!” to actually DOING something about it. So… yeah, there’s that. But for all you Redhead fans, it was a really, good meeting. 😎

And I started another project. It’s going to be one where I have to dump what I think the first chapter should be and start further in because where I’ve started? Hasn’t worked yet. I’ve only tried twice, but if it’s a jittery feeling, then that generally means I’m starting in the wrong place in the story. So, I’ll ditch start #2 and try again.

I’m also doing music reviews for Celtic Music Magazine now. You’ll start seeing some cross posts in the Spotlight post. So I have some new material coming there. Those don’t take long to do, and I’m getting access to some cool new music. So win/win.

As of yesterday, all the details are done for Dallas Comic Con. It’s been a weird ride there this month because of the change over to the new company. New/different contracts had to be dealt with. So what I thought had been a done deal back in November? Apparently wasn’t REALLY until yesterday – officially and for sure. But we’re going to be there. I hope we do well. It’s the first time to have an “Artist Alley” (like in the “big leagues”) and it’s a new venue. I have some trepidation. But I’m hoping that since it’s going to be like the “big leagues”, and all on one big convention floor, it’ll make it easier for people to find me.

And lastly, in the realm of “You Never Know”, I was a patron at Scarborough this past weekend. Got to hang with my niece and her boyfriend. While introducing the boyfriend to the Pepper Lady (ie, Lady McArthur’s Fiery Fare), not only did I earn my “Pepper Pusher” button, but the subject of writing came up. One of the fine gentlemen behind the counter asked the inevitable question: “Anything I might’ve heard of.” Because I know one of the other vendors, Leland, had loaned around a copy of Redheads of the Apocalypse, I said he might have – and mentioned the book.

Long story short, he had. He got very excited, came around the counter to give me a hug. But it doesn’t stop there. One of the other patron customers heard the exchange, looked over and said, “I saw you at Comic Con. I meant to get back to pick up a book for my friend, but couldn’t make it.” I gave them both cards. Mentioned we were having a meeting, and then let people get back to work. It made me very happy. You never know where you’re going to find someone who’s read your work. And moral of the story – “ALWAYS HAVE CARDS!”

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