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[Writer Post] The Next Things

Posted by reudaly on April 16, 2014 in Conventions, Writing |

Hello, Wednesday… Good to see you. Time for a blog post. It’s a “SQUIRREL!” day at work – lots of little, random things to do at work…that’s reflected here…

My calendar has opened up a little. We’re done with working Scarborough Renaissance Festival, but we might go out and play some. The next thing is Dallas Comic Con – which is starting to show its change of ownership. The paperwork and money I paid back in the Fall was apparently an application. I was informed a few days ago that my application for an artist alley spot was accepted, and now I have a contract to fill out…at least they’re honoring the payment I made back then… Oh, and they just shaved off a foot of space. It’s no longer a 6’x6′ space… it’s 30 square feet (or 6’x5′. Glad I pack light. Not a complaint, just the stuff you deal with when things change. It’s weird, and nobody likes change, not really. But I’ll deal with quite a bit to be in the same room as the ENTIRE CAST OF FIREFLY (except Gina Torres) and a big chunk of ST:TNG.

We have set a date for the next Redheads of the Apocalypse meeting. Yes, ROTA fans, there might actually be a FOURTH installment of the series. We have ideas. Time to kick the tires and hope they don’t go flat. So fingers crossed that all goes well. I need to get those notes together before next week. I have them tabbed in a notebook, but having them in a central location would be better.

There are other things I need to be doing… a couple of projects I should be starting while I’m waiting on decisions about things that are out and about. FenCon is approaching the “busy” season. So along with the “writing cap” I also have the “guest relations” cap on. I do, indeed, wear many hats… and now it’s time to go put one on.

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