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[Spotlight Post] A Follow Spot of Sorts

Posted by reudaly on April 11, 2014 in Books, Review, Spotlight, What I'm Reading |

I wish I could say this crazy week is over, but it’s not. We have two more days to sell art and hang with the amazing performers and crew of Scarborough Renaissance Festival. I’m trying to get my neurons firing for an actual spotlight, but it’s not happening. Not that there aren’t so many awesome people to spotlight, it’s me and a few focus issues this week.
Rachel Caine started production on the Morganville Vampire Web Series. I am so happy for her show getting picked up by Geek and Sundry. This success for Rachel is a long time coming and very much deserved. She is high on the list of people I want to share a Table Of Contents with. I’ve known Rachel for a while, and will work with her ANY CHANCE I GET. I’m so looking forward to the show.
Amber Benson looks awesome as Amelie. Vintage designer WORKS on that woman. And Hollywood… figure it out! Amber Benson is underutilized! Stop that! You have a fantastic talent here, don’t squander it, because as someone who’s read her books and is a writer myself? We’ll take her if you don’t and not give her back. I’ve shared a table of contents with Amber Benson, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Yes, I’m being a fan girl…someone’s gotta do it.
Looking forward to Robert Picardo playing Oliver, though I always pictured someone physically bigger and more intimidating, I’m looking forward to this. I’ve never really seen Picardo play a villain and this is going to be good since no one really knows (ever) what’s going on with Oliver. Is he Evil? Yes. No. Kinda. Not as “complex” as Myrnin, but a good juicy character that I think Picardo is going to rock with.
And for something else, J. Kathleen Cheney was so amazingly kind to send me the ARC of her second book, Seat of Magic. If I weren’t in the middle of a book given to me by a friend, I would’ve already delved into this, but I’ve got to finish reading Silverlock first. I’m so excited to get to read the pre-publication version. I’m probably going to buy the final 1) to see if anything changed from the “uncorrected proof”, and 2) because I’ll want the covers to match. But DUDE, I get to read it before you do… neener. If you like Alternate Universe/Historical Fantasy at all, get the first one – The Golden City. You’ll want to know what’s going on when Seat of Magic comes out in July.
So now, I have to stop talking about other people and get back to my stuff. I can’t let stuff distract me any longer. I need to start on new projects – even though they’re not sold yet – to keep me in the game, and maybe, just maybe if I get really rolling on one or the other, I’ll have to stop to work on something contracted…8-)

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