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[Writer Post] Coming up with the Next Thing and T.A.B.L.E.

Posted by reudaly on April 2, 2014 in Writing |

It’s blog post day, and it’s one of “those” weeks. It’s April in Texas – which means wildly unstable weather… so that means sinus issues that make thinking…interesting. There’s been a loss in the family which has thrown some planning out of whack. And our truncated run at Scarborough starts on Saturday. Add to that I’m in the writer waiting pattern, and that makes for “Squirrel” brain. I need to figure out something to work on so I can force myself to focus.

It’s not that I haven’t accomplished stuff since I kicked a bunch of deadline behind. I finished reworking a story and submitted it. I reworked a story for the sole purpose of being able to do dramatic readings of it at Road Shows when the opportunity arises (still debating doing a short script version of it). I’m reading a YA novel a college friend wrote for feedback purposes (and learning how to do notes in .epub versions). And I did come up with an answer for a MIND MELD question for SF Signal. So it’s not like I’ve been COMPLETELY slacking, but it still seems like I need to be doing something… more…while I’m waiting for other people to make decisions on other things.

Oh, I did move outside my comfort zone this past weekend. I’ll talk a bit more about it on Friday in the Spotlight. Jimmy ended up with a small amount of time off this weekend (he’s been working some crazy hours, and he’d backed a gaming convention called T.A.B.L.E. that was supposed to show family members or friends of people who like games (mostly tabletop) what all the fuss is about (so basically, me). And it was very cool – especially since the first person I met was Steve Jackson. There’s something very surreal and awesome about learning to play a game from the person who created it.

This was put on by an acquaintance of ours, Tiffany Franzoni, who owns Roll2Play. She’s awesome, and so is her store. If you like games and live anywhere near Coppell, you should check the store out. And now, it’s time to figure out what I should be writing.

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