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[Writer Post] D is for Deadline

Posted by reudaly on March 12, 2014 in Life, Writing |

Today’s blog is brought to you by the Letter “D” – “D” as in deadline. I can see the end of the novel that I need to send in by the 23rd – and no, it’s not the light of an oncoming train, it really is the end. And thusly, I’m in “Batten Down the Hatches” mode.

There are only a few things I’m letting by, the rest of it, I hope people understand. During lunch and a couple breaks at work, I’m adding the new words. A chunk of the weekend and during the evenings, I’ve been frantically catching up on the backlog of typing. I’m getting close.

I’m also to that point that my brain is playing with me a little. There are another couple of projects on back burners to take on after this one is done. And to keep momentum going, I am doing research on one of those. It’s reading. Fortunately, with e-books, I can carry those books I need to read with me and read at stop lights and stuff during my commutes. These are also the books I’m reading to switch my brain off at night… even though it means THAT project is trying to come out of its corner.

No, little plot bunny, you rest a bit longer. I will pet you and play with you in a couple of weeks. Don’t worry, what needs to be written down is written down. There’s no losing it by saying, “Oh, I’ll remember that!”

So that’s what’s going on with me and writing. I’ve got to get back to it. See you soon.

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