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[Writer Post] ConDFW and What’s Ahead

Posted by reudaly on February 26, 2014 in Conventions, Writing |

Okay, so this week is moving right along, and look, here it is, Wednesday. And since last weekend was ConDFW, it’s pretty much a given that I’m going to talk about that.

ConDFW is one of my home conventions. It’s the one that gave me my start in conventions as a writer. I’ve gone through a lot of their ups and down, but we stick by each other. It’s a little weird having it in the same hotel as FenCon, kinda like an alternate universe – because the site’s the same but everything is in a different place. And the people are really, really cool.

This year turned out to be a “business” convention. I only had three panels – which, though I could and would normally try to do more, I was too tired to ask for more. We didn’t have any Redhead panels or a Road Show…which was weird but, it was my third show in five weeks. The panels I did do were well attended, which is awesome, but the show was small this year. We did our best to sell books, and I hope we did all right.

By business, I mean I have a lot on my plate for the foreseeable future. I talked to a couple of publishers and editors and have some new avenues and projects. Nothing is ever “for sure”, but if even one of the projects bears fruit, it could be a very, very exciting year. And very, very busy. Which is good – you know those deadlines I was talking about wanting a week or so ago? Yeah, be careful what you wish for.

Now I have to make good on my word. At least one thing is a quick and easy thing off the to-do list, then a bunch of waiting. The rest is going to be a ton of very fun and exciting work and a lot of time management. But I can do it, because…this is what I do. And this is why we writers do conventions, we love seeing the fans and talking to people, but we also go to make those professional connections.

If you’re looking to write – write, and start going to conventions. You never know what could happen.

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