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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pentel RSVP RT – Blue Ink 1.0 mm

Posted by reudaly on January 6, 2014 in Review, writing instruments |

I’ve written about the RSVP fine point stick pens. They still remain among some of my all time favorites. Today I’m looking at the RSVP medium point retractable (or RT). This one was part of the massive box of stuff. This one is blue.

This is an inexpensive “everyday” pen that can be used and abused but also refilled. The R.S.V.P. are about 6 inches long. The barrel, grip, and ink are all in the same color family for an easy to identify look. The mechanism is smooth, and the barrel is transparent enough to see ink level. It’s part of the Recycology line with 59% recycled materials in the making. The grip is comfortable, for what the pen is, and it’s well balanced. It’s a bit longer than some retractables, but still in that just beyond too short to be comfortable.

The R.S.V.P. RTs come in several point widths, this one is medium. That makes it a 1.0mm. I’m not a fan of 1.0mm lines. I find these bolder lines smear and glop more easily. And with the wider/bolder line, I write bigger and get less out of paper. But that’s me. If you like a bolder/wider line, this is a decent pen that can be lost or stolen.

The Pentel ball point lines – like the R.S.V.P. – have a gel based ink to these pens. That does give the ink a good, rich color. These come in a wide array of color (though you may have to buy multi-packs to get some of the other colors). The primary colors are available in singles, and some stores might do some point of sale.

The numbers:

1. How does it work?0.5 It’s okay. I find the 1.0mm a bit on the smeary, too big side.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s an inexpensive, plastic, no frills pen. It has some padding on the “ergonomic “ grip for comfort, and a good, solid retraction mechanism.
3. Material1 It’s okay for what it is. But it is what it is. A “knockabout” pen. One that you don’t mind disappearing or breaking.
4. Overall Design0.5 – Because the perfect pen doesn’t exist. There is some clumping and smearing with the ink – but not as much as other comparable pens. It’s borderline on length and width.
5. Price Point1 – These are very affordably priced – and you can often find them on serious sale. AND you can get them in ones and twos as well as in multi-packs and bulk. If you LIKE 1.0mm or bigger, this is for you.

4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

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