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[Spotlight Post] SkullSoap

Posted by reudaly on December 20, 2013 in Spotlight |

It’s the Friday before Christmas and Spotlight post day. Today I’m going to introduce you to a local DFW artisan and the lovely people over at

As I’ve gotten older (and hopefully wiser), I’ve stopped using perfume. I don’t like strong scents (if the scent is too “big” I can actually taste it), and the perfume sections of department stores are an assault on my sinuses. I started looking for lotions and such (since I have super dry skin) that are lightly fragranced and use more natural materials. My awesome Sister-In-Law, Nora, introduced me to the lotions of SkullSoap last Christmas with their amazingBlackberry/Sage/Vanilla.

SkullSoap sells mostly online, but they also do some craft/specialty shows around the DFW area (working on getting them to the renaissance festival). I like them because 1) these are handcrafted products locally produced; 2)you can pronounce the ingredients (I’m really starting to enjoy that); and 3) I’ve met she who makes the products (I just can’t remember her NAME), and she’s SUPER COOL.

And then there’s the NAME… and labels and some humor to the titles of the fragrances. They make fragrances for all types of people – woodsy, floral, clean, and the like. I loved the blackberry/sage/vanilla so much that I made a concerted effort to go to Arlington’s Cristkindl market to buy some more from her – only to have to CHOOSE OTHER FLAVORS… Oh, the dilemma. I came out with Midnight Kiss – which now that I’m wearing it is more floral but not overwhelming – and Oatmeal Honey. The Oatmeal Honey has a warm sugar smell. The lotions are rich and thick, and the fragrances last. I need to try the body scrubs for my dry skin – with matching scents.

I’ve also got a feeling that as long as Redheads of the Apocalypse hangs around, and I’m associated with my Zoe character and death, the Skull themes will continue, so this may just have to be the “official” lotion/skin care of Zoe… 😎

But check out Skullsoap. They’re good people and good products. They’re also on Facebook.

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