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[Writer Post] Twas a Ranty Wednesday Before Christmas

Posted by reudaly on December 18, 2013 in Writing |

Hello Wednesday. Nice of you to drop by – keep the camel droppings to a minimum, would ya? And it does seem to be kind of that day. Finally getting Christmas in full swing, this one is a bit chaotic since it was already a short run up and then losing half a week to 4″ of ice (and yes, in DFW that does qualify as “icemeggedon” for you folks to the north). There’s still so much to do.

That leads to some fun and random news articles to peruse. Some are writing tips, some are gifts for authors…some bits of news are just… well, let the sighing commence. For instance, Cynthia Ward let the rest of us know – via Facebook and shares – that the OMNI REBOOT zine (which had a lot of people hopeful of a new market) is paying barely SFWA standard pro rates (which should be a good thing) but has a bad thing attached: “…Our rates are anywhere from $20-$75 for 200-1,500 word non-fiction pieces. Rates range from $75-$300 for 1,500-4,500 word fiction pieces. It is our policy that our company maintains ownership of all rights in the work that contributors write for us.” Yeah, that’s not good. All rights forever? Run away. Do not pass go because you will never, ever collect $200 ever.

Seriously, last week I made a comment on how a corporation wanted to pay me less an hour than what fast food workers were campaigning to get minimum wage raised to… this major corporation wanted a website content writer for only $12-$13 hour without a promise of a 40 hour week…now there’s stuff like the above… all rights grab, with a still pitiful pay out? If you ever wondered why some of your favorite authors drink excessively, don’t go to as many events as you would like, or consistently look like a hobo living under an overpass? Take a look at our pay rate. You’ll get it.

But…it’s not all gloom and doom. Really it’s not. If you want to support your favorite authors – buy the books, stories, etc. wherever and however you can. If you are in the same financial boat? Get the book from a library and review it, or get it from a used book store and review it. Tell your friends. Be vocal – except about price. When anyone says ebooks (or any book) is “too expensive” or you only get the free downloads? Just don’t. There are times when giving a book away is cool and all – maybe a quick promotion – but if that doesn’t return actual money sales, we don’t eat or pay rent or buy internet. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does keep the lights on.

If you’re a writer – read the contracts in great detail. They’re not out to protect YOU unless you make them that way. Double check that there’s not a line hidden in some unsuspecting part that keeps you from writing except that contract while you’re under that contract. And think about your personal worth while determining what you want to sell your story or book for. And take a moment to read This article by Chuck Palahniuk about Stocking Stuffer Writing Tips – they’re actually pretty good.

And if you’re a reader or supporter of a writer? Cat Rambo has some nifty gift ideas for writers. I concur. Whole heartedly. And sorry for the ranty turn to this post. It’s that kind of Wednesday.

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