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[Spotlight Post] Snow Day!

Posted by reudaly on December 6, 2013 in Life, Spotlight |

Today’s spotlight is spotty at best. We’re in the midst of “Icemeggdon” here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I made the decision to NOT go into work. My husband’s company is closed for the day. We’re taking a rare “day off” (ish) stuck in the house. Unfortunately, this morning we had very sporadic power, but it seems to have stabilized for now.

So, today’s spotlight is the lovely concept of “Snow Day”. I don’t get many of these – between jobs that don’t close regardless of weather, or working from home, or simply living in Texas where weather like this is rare.

Today is…amazing. There’s been a weird mix of sleet, freezing rain, and snow. So everything is white, deep enough to cover most of the grass. The trees and bushes have a stunning clear coat of ice with some icicles dripping off. And (what makes it dangerous for this part of the country) the temperature is staying a level that doesn’t have it melting off almost as soon as it landed.

Since we have weather appropriate to the season, tonight we shall put up the Christmas decorations with a fire in the fireplace, and I plan on making Hot Chocolate. I feel like I should be baking, as well, but it’s likely the plans we had for this weekend are postponed (so many things have already been cancelled).

In this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, I am thankful for this unexpected three-day weekend where (in all likelihood) it’ll be a “stay in and relax” weekend. We have a bunch of movies on the DVR (as well as DVD), we have food, snuggly dogs, and two more days of this ahead.

If you’re enjoying your own Snow Day, do so responsibly. Drive only if you need to, and do it safely. I want you around a lot longer than this.

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