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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pilot Petit1 Fountain Pen – Fine Nib – Apple Green

Posted by reudaly on December 2, 2013 in Review, writing instruments |

Today’s pen review starts the pseudo-traditional red and green ink posts. This is also another Pilot Fountain pen – The Petit1 in Apple Green in a fine nib.
I want to say I loved this little guy, but I can’t. I’m sorry, Pilot, it could be this one pen, but that’s all I have to go on. And it’s not the size. It is small – only 4″ capped and ~ 5.25″ with the cap posted. It is long enough to be useful and comfortable. It’s even a decent diameter. That’s not the problem.

The problem is with the ink system. Part of it is my fault, I took on the Apple Green. I love green, but I should’ve known the ink would be too light for my tastes color-wise. And that would’ve been an issue – if I could actually get the ink going, which I kinda did once, but never again. I have managed to get some ink on my desk just not on paper.
The system is designed to be pretty easy, I guess. But first, there’s the proprietary ink cartridge. There’s nothing wrong with it, except for the fact you have to buy THEIR ink for this. Then there’s a little weird yellow cap that supposedly fits with this scoop thing coming out of the nib. Except, I see nothing secure, no ink flow, and what has come out of the cartridge, hasn’t made it much to the stainless steel nib.

It could be that something was cut wrong on this particular pen, but I’m not using this one. I can’t get it to work, and though I’m not the most experienced fountain pen user in the known universe, I’m not completely inept. I didn’t even get it to work long enough for the writing sample. I followed as many directions as I could – since the label is in Japanese, but the pictograms were fairly straight forward. Sorry Pilot, I wanted to like this one, but maybe next time. At least with a $3.80 price point on JetPens, I’m not out a major investment. There is that.

The numbers:
1. How does it work?0.0 – It doesn’t – at least not for me. I can’t write with it at the moment, so yikes…
2. Grip and feel1 – For what it is, it has a surprisingly nice grip and feel. It’s short, but well-balanced and has a comfortable diameter. There are a couple of edges leading to the nib, but avoidable.
3. Material1 – It’s plastic and stainless steel. It is what it is. Refillable, but inexpensive.
4. Overall Design0.0 – It’s a good design with bad function. I can’t tell you how it will last since I haven’t gotten it to work.
5. Price Point0.5 – It’s just under $4 on JetPens. It is refillable, which would make it more affordable if I were willing to throw more money at this thing to investigate why it doesn’t work. I’m not. I’m really sorry I spent the $3.80 on as it was, but such is the life.

I give it 2.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 2.5

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