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[Writer Blog] Thanksgiving and SFWA Pro Rates

Posted by reudaly on November 27, 2013 in Life, Writing |

In the US, it’s Thanksgiving week, but no matter where you are, know that I’m thankful for all of you.

Saw a link on Facebook today that SFWA has raised its pro-rate pay requirement, starting July 1, 2014, to 6 cents/word for short fiction (up from 5 cents/word). Woo. This after it’s been 9 years since that raise.

It makes me sad. Mostly because there are those who believe markets will step up to meet the new criteria, but I hold no such belief. I can hope that publishers will step up to pay their writers a living wage for a century ago, but I have a feeling there’s just going to be a bunch of downgraded markets – what few are left anyway. But there’s a reality to face.

There are reasons I am not (in some minds) considered a “professional” science fiction writer. I’ve had 1 (so far) qualifying sale in my more than 10 years of publication (and that was this year). It’s not because I’m not good. It’s not because I don’t sell. It’s because that “Just sell something to like I did” doesn’t fly anymore. All the “Big Name Authors” who got their starts in the magazines are still sending stories to those same magazines, and the reality is those names are going to sell more copies than my name.

Doesn’t mean I don’t try. I still send a lot of my stuff to those markets first before heading down the market list. And don’t think this is a complaint or that I’m giving up, I’m not. I’m going to be the best darned “semi-pro” (in many frames of mind) author I can be until I can crack that barrier to be considered “professional” by SFWA standards (both long and short form).

Why? Not because I have a burning desire to be a SFWA member – because honestly, I don’t. I’ve talked about that before. But because there are a lot of the larger regional conventions that are being inundated by writers wanting to promote books, and in order to keep their rosters manageable have to impose some qualifications – many times that means SFWA qualifications. I have no problems with small press, independent press, or traditional publishing – I’ll work with anyone, and I will keep writing.

But if you’ve ever wondered why so many of your favorite authors take so long to write books or stories, look at what’s considered a “pro” rate – and what a lot of readers thinks is “too much” for an ebook (I’m sorry, 99 cents for a FULL BOOK is a joke argue with me if you will) – and realize your favorite author has to survive, so probably has at least one other job besides writing just to make ends meet.

So give thanks that your favorite author cares enough about his/her craft to make these sacrifices to produce the stories and books you love when you’re giving thanks for everything else, and consider buying a couple more books, stories, or collections this holiday season. It’ll make everyone’s season a little brighter all around.

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