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[Writer Post] Head in the Game with FenCon Brain

Posted by reudaly on October 2, 2013 in Conventions, Writing |

So , today kicks off FenCon Setup – which starts the marathon days for me until Monday afternoon. I deal with the Day Job until 5 pm then meet Jimmy to head over to the hotel to start load in at 6 pm. FenCon has been eating my brain for the last month – that along with a very nebulous “Day Job is Moving Locations” cloud hanging over my head. There’s not been room for much else.

HOWEVER, now that I’m caught up from the pile of stuff I was deluged with about a month or so ago, I am looking for ways to make use of my time – even during “FenCon Brain”. I’ve found the notebook that has all my partial stories in it. I’m going to attempt to work on some of those to see which have STORY and which were nice ideas at the time and might need to be trunked.

Why am I doing that even with FenCon Brain? Because dally I can dilly on the days when I’m caught up with stuff here at work. And because I have focus issues right now. Looking at old partial stories and seeing if any take flight keeps my head in writing space when I… SQUIRREL…have other things going on. I also need to be doing some data input – changes and new material on some stuff, which hopefully by lugging the notebook(s) around will also kinda shame me into being better – because you know, the material is RIGHT THERE. Besides, BORED Rhonda is a BAD Rhonda.

FenCon will also help get my brain back into writing space, because even though I’ll be busy dividing my time between being Staff and WRITER, I’m still hanging out with the people who challenge me, encourage me, and inspire me (and yes, sometimes it’s all ONE PERSON). I come back wanting to do more, write more, and be better.

So, if you want to see what Crazy Busy looks like… Here’s a recap of my FenCon schedule – WITH A CHANGE – so if you were playing the Home Game, there’s a twist on the board…
Friday 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pin Oak
Dying Laughing

Description: Humor is frequently an integral component of horror. How can something so scary also be so funny?

Bradley Denton, Rhonda Eudaly, Tracy S. Morris, Selina Rosen, Craig Wolf
Saturday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Trinity I – IV
FenCon Squares

Description: It’s the classic game show “Hollywood Squares” with a FenCon twist! Join us for an hour of fun and games as our panel of guests try to help (or bluff) our contestants. We even have a “Secret Square” in each game! Come check it out. You might win a prize!

Rachel Caine, Rosemary Clement-Moore, Rhonda Eudaly, Michael Ashleigh , Mark Finn, Jake Kerr, Tracy S. Morris, Kevin Pajak, Karl Pajak, Barbara Ann, Matt Sims *
Saturday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Pin Oak
Death Becomes Her

Description: Death has taken on many faces and aspects. Whether it’s Death itself or the Undead – Death is a central element to novels. The panelists talk about their favorite characteristics of this iconic character.

Amber Benson, Rhonda Eudaly, Michele Bardsley *

Sunday 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Red Oak
The Redheads of the Apocalypse Press Conference

Have you ever wanted to be part of the press corp but didn’t know how? Wonder how you can survive the apocalypse? Just curious as to how FOUR REDHEADS would even come to be part of the Apocalypse? Whether you’re new to the series or a long time reader, come join The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse to find out what’s new, what’s fun, and why it really has to be done in formal wear.

Linda L. Donahue, Rhonda Eudaly, Dusty Rainbolt, Julia S.Mandala

Sunday 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Gallery
Autographs (M)

Linda L. Donahue, Julia S. Mandala, Dusty Rainbolt, Rhonda Eudaly

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