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[Spotlight Post] FenCon’s Meredith Hines

Posted by reudaly on September 27, 2013 in Conventions, Spotlight |

This week’s spotlight post is an unsung hero in a lot of ways and a really cool person. Today, I give you someone you may not know, even if you’re in the DFW area – Meredith Hines.

Meredith is a burgeoning writer, lover of owls, chocolate and all around SWELL PERSON. When she gets her act in gear – which we’re in the process of butt-kicking, so feel free to pile on – she’s going to be a grand storyteller. She’s already a costumer and prop person with an insane amount of creativity, her stories are sure to be the same. Feel free to send her “You should be writing messages” starting in November (and while you’re at it, send them to me, too – I need all the “encouragement” I can get, too.)

But what makes Meredith an unsung hero is her position with FenCon for the last two years. She’s had the onerous job of being the Programming Chair. This is a seriously complicated, time-consuming, and completely thankless job. It’s one of those jobs that no one notices when it’s going WELL so no mention gets made of it, but heaven help you if it goes horribly wrong…

Today I described her job as herding ADHD cats hopped up on catnip – and it’s not that far off. It’s also a weird combination of dominos and JENGA. Knock down one panel and the whole schedule cascades out of control. And she took it on willingly – for two years. You never want to do this job for more than that. She’s also been helping the ConChair with other administrative bits and pieces to help the next person do the job easier and more efficiently (which is a lofty and noble goal).

You rarely see Meredith during FenCon because she’s in an “Undisclosed Location” putting out fires, troubleshooting issues, and making sure things are running smoothly behind the scenes so it never gets to the public. She also chooses to stay behind the scenes because spotlights aren’t her thing –fortunately, she gets no say in this one. So if you see her pop out of her rabbit hole – thank her for all her hard work, she deserves it.

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