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[Spotlight Post] Humans in Space Youth Art Competition

Posted by reudaly on September 20, 2013 in Contest, Spotlight |

Happy Friday! It’s a seriously gray and gloomy day here with rain as far as the eye can see – which we desperately need. Very grateful for the rain, but it’s not helping me decide what to write for a spotlight. This seems to be one of those “Deep Breath” weeks. There hasn’t been quite the drama of last week, but it’s not been without its distractions.

So, this week, I’m going to introduce you more to an organization I have been aware of for about a year, but actually only acquainted with since WorldCon. This is the Humans in Space Youth Art Competition. Their slogan calls for the WORLD’S youth to “Be Inspired, Creative and Heard”. If you happen to think – or are afraid – that Science Fiction is “old, white men”, this will change your mind.

This competition is for kids 10-18 to create art in any media – 2D or 3D visual art, music, written word, videos – that show off their creativity and vision. The 2012 competition seems to be themed “Humans in Space” – how much more SF can you get than that? And if you’re not inspired and awe-struck by what these KIDS have done all around the world, then I feel for you.

I haven’t listened to the music yet, or read any of the stories – I simply haven’t had time. But I have seen a sample of the visual arts. We even met one of the administrators of the competition, Dr. Jancy McPhee. Dr. McPhee is married to one of FenCon’s previous Special Guests, that’s how we learned about the competition to begin with. I – and a few other FenCon Folk – got to meet her at WorldCon. She’s also graciously allowing some of the art to hang in the FenCon Art Show in a couple of weeks.

Dr. McPhee has an impressive resume and is a truly lovely woman. I can’t wait to see how her competition grows and inspires. I hope I can have a small part in helping her and this competition develop interest in Space Exploration, Science Fiction, and creativity in any capacity. We need younger fans who then turn into the next generation of creators. And we need that next generation, and I personally, am looking forward to seeing what these kids accomplish.

Not to mention there’s a purely selfish and motivational reason to watch the kids that come through this competition – impetus to do more and better, faster. Because, hey, they have a lot more time on their side, right? But still… when you come to FenCon, check out the Art Show. These kids will BLOW. YOUR. MIND. Let’s see how we can encourage the youth of the world, because they are our future.

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