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[Writer Post] Staying Afloat

Posted by reudaly on September 18, 2013 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

So, this is Wednesday. That means blog post day – and I’m having trouble stringing coherent words together. Because not only is it Chaos Season (yes, there is one), Ragweed decided to throw a week-long party and invited all its little allergen friends. And along with some unexpected changes and expenses since I last wrote this blog, I’m barely keeping everything afloat.

It’s not all gloom and doom. Some things are, indeed, coming together. In two weeks, we’ll be doing load in for FenCon. So that’s coming apace. I still have my primary job – if not the secondary job (which ended in a less than awesome way) – and it’s moving to a less fun location. Here’s hoping the gain in time for not having the secondary job results in more writing – or editing a novel, or something.

Though my brain is full of…life stuff… I am getting words on paper. I’m about 1/3 the way through the play I need to have done by the end of October for a Youth Fundraiser. And then there are other things that need to be done after that. FenCon will help to reenergize the brain, if not the body. That will propel me forward.

Okay… so enough whining. There was something awesome that came out of WorldCon. Rayguns Over Texas. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, I will have some at FenCon. They are also available through FACT. And eventually, I understand, they’ll be in ebook form. It’s an AWESOME collection. You really should get you one while they last. We sold a BUNCH at WorldCon.

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