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[Writer Post] It’s A HEADDESK Kind of Day

Posted by reudaly on July 10, 2013 in Life, Writing |

I really had high hopes for this week. It actually started out well. I was caught up on all my paying gigs. I did some catch up work on one of my novels – there’s chore typing that needs doing. I’ve made some inroads on one of the pending projects – I need to start giving it a lot more thought and just getting it done, but hey, it’s more than I’ve done in the last couple of months.

Then there was this morning…I’m trying to not let a couple of hours this morning derail the progress of the last few days, but man, it’s hard when all you want is to dive face first in a pint of ice cream (ah, it’s good to have goals). And it doesn’t even have to do with fiction writing. It’s a perfect storm of circumstances to make one of the paying gigs so much harder than it needs to be.
I know I need to focus on the big picture. This is a minor ::HEADDESK:: thing that has no bearing on the fiction – except for adding a bit of stress to my work day. You’d think after all these years of holding down multiple jobs I would be much better at compartmentalizing…but yeah, no. So in an attempt to jolly myself of a frustrated mood… I give you coloring books.

Several months ago I worked with Angela Lowery to produce a small coloring book based on one of my short stories. We worked out a where I provide the story and layout. She provides the art. We each get the PDF and can print/sell what we want of them and keep the money from the sales. It gives us something small and inexpensive to sell/giveaway at shows that’s completely suitable for children of all ages. And we designed it with a black and white cover so whoever’s doing the coloring can have a personalized cover.

This is Brooklyn - she's going to be a fantastic artist one day

This is Brooklyn – she’s going to be a fantastic artist one day

I’m starting to get some shots of finished covers – some with their “authors”. And I’m going to post a couple here just for some color. If anyone knows someone with one of the coloring books, have them send me photos. I’d love to share.

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