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[Spotlight Post] The Stan Lee Foundation

Posted by reudaly on July 5, 2013 in Spotlight, Writing |

Happy Friday! If you have today off for a 4-day weekend, I envy you. However, this week’s spotlight is for a good and worthy cause… this week I want to introduce you to The Stan Lee Foundation. Yes, that Stan Lee.

I discovered The Stan Lee Foundation at SoonerCon. Ryan Dawson, who himself has a literacy foundation called The Hidden Cape Foundation, is now a partner with The Stan Lee Foundation working many of the country’s conventions to spread the word. He is doing an amazing job of not only talking to people and getting them interested in helping out – and donating stuff for prizes for his games at conventions – in order to bring more people to the table to hear about the foundation.

The Stan Lee Foundation is an organization is a non-profit group that endeavors to promote and provide access to educational programs to increase literacy among children and adults. This organization, with Stan Lee’s name and vision, works with other artists, companies, and programs to make sure people of all ages have access to quality education to help reduce illiteracy in the United States.

The Stan Lee Foundation is in the process of putting together an endowment fund to help financially support programs that lead to a shared purpose. They’re raising awareness to the still stunning statistic that (according to the National Center for Education Statistics) 1 in 7 ADULTS in the US are illiterate. Part of what The Stan Lee Foundation wants to do is nip that in the bud by getting children access and interested in reading.

As a writer, I support this cause for both the social and economic impact that a literate society can have on this nation, but also on me personally. I support getting kids interested in reading through media tie in novels, graphic novels, and comic books – because it gets them reading.

Ryan Dawson is the face I have to go with The Stan Lee Foundation, and though I haven’t spent that much time with him, it was enough to know that he believes in what he’s doing for the Foundation and for the Greater Good. So check out Hidden Cape – both the foundation and the marketing company – and definitely check out the Stan Lee Foundation – and help us all grow the next generation of readers.

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