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[Writer Post] But It’s A GOOD Tired?

Posted by reudaly on July 3, 2013 in Writing |

If there are typos in this post, cut me a little slack today, please? I’m ragged today. It’s been a very long few days – very GOOD days, but long and very eventful and potentially very productive from the business side of writing. We’ll have to see how things fall out over the next couple of weeks, though in terms of falling, that will actually be me…tonight. Right after I get home from work.

SoonerCon was fantastic. This is a convention that isn’t afraid to say, “This is no longer working, let’s see what we can do to fix it”. Not all concoms have that kind of foresight, which is why some fail. And though making changes to an existing convention – like moving to a new venue and/or date – causes hiccups, it’s not the end of the world or the convention. In SoonerCon’s case – I think they’ve finally found a date and place that really works for them, and I look forward to hopefully outgrowing it with them.

SoonerCon accomplished what I needed it to. It shook loose the cobwebs. The last vestiges of brain funk from the insane spring schedule have been knocked loose. The Plot Bunnies are starting to scamper. I’ve been around “my” creative types. I love my Scarborough folk, but that’s a differently type of creativity, and doesn’t trigger the same energy as being with other writers does. And now, not only do I WANT to be writing, I’m getting to the point that I need to before the crazy ideas in my head start messing me up.

I also made some connections over the last few days that can lead to some potentially amazing partnerships. I know there are some authors out there who think you shouldn’t give away your work – and a lot of times, I think that’s on the pre-published side, but hey, it could be anytime – and I will quibble about that. I’ve made my points on when I think it’s okay to give away writing in the past – and will revisit it again in the future. But this is a slight different type of giving away thing – working with charities and foundations to help promote a mutually beneficial cause. As with the writing donation, you have to weigh the cost to the benefit and what you can afford, but if you can do it…do it. Giving back and paying forward are mighty investments.

So…hopefully when I’m coherent again (someday) I’ll be get all my news ducks in a row and have more newsy stuff to talk about. Like Random Penguin—that merger is done. Now for the fallout. Whee. And for all my US Friends… Happy 4th of July.

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