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[Writer Post] SoonerCon is Coming…Soon

Posted by reudaly on June 26, 2013 in Conventions, Writing |

Oh, hi. It’s Wednesday. There’s still a bit of the same old, same old going on in the publishing world – SFWA put forth a plan to look into the Bulletin and deal with the other issues that’s enough of a plan to make some people happy and vague enough to give them a lot of rope and make some people unhappy. Me, I’m still over here knowing none of it will apply to me anytime in the near future. Same old. Same old.

I’m heading up to SoonerCon on Friday. Won’t get there until late because I still have this pesky Day Job thing happening, and I won’t be able to leave until three – but that shouldn’t keep you from going early and buying often…especially books.

I was able to finagle an autographing. SoonerCon doesn’t automatically schedule those apparently. Some conventions don’t, and that’s their call because they’re a pain in the butt to schedule. But if you’re a small press and/or independently produced author, ASK. The worst they can say is “NO” or “we don’t do those”.

You do not know how important it is to have those – even if you feel like you’re sitting there like a lump for most of it. It’s a place to be to remind folks that “Oh, yeah, I was going to pick (fill in the blank) that she talked about on that panel…” And if you’re one of us who have multiple publishers, it’s more comfortable (at least to me) to sell ALL my books when I’m not at one publisher’s table/booth. In fact, if I’m given a choice between a reading and an autographing? I’ll take the autographing Every. Single. Time. Autographings are also a much more interactive time with readers than any other part of a convention.

That was a random bit of an aside, but still important if you’re just starting out. At least it is to me. But that’s what this blog is, my take on how this all works. Agree or disagree if you will, just keep it civil. And come to SoonerCon. They do put on a fun show and support the new venue.

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