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[Writer Blog] Slacker Brain Plot Bunnies and Little Voices

Posted by reudaly on June 12, 2013 in Life, Writing |

There’s no good upheaval – well, new upheaval – in the publishing world this week. It helps let things settle, but makes it more difficult to come up with something to write about. And that’s not to mean the latest upheaval is over by any means, the Resnick/Malzberg/SFWA issue rages on degree of issue. Good luck figuring that out , folks.

As for the rest of this, I apologize once more for “Squirrel” brain. I really want to be writing fiction. I really do. I know I should and all I have are very, very lame excuses for not getting it done. Which is why I contemplated the Clarion-Write-A-Thon, not to support an organization (honestly, I don’t know much about it but the name) but as a method of accountability and for a deadline. I need a freakin’ deadline if I’m going to get anything done any time soon. And it has to be a real with like monetary consequences because just assigning myself one doesn’t work.

It’s not like I don’t have things to write. I do. I have projects that need starting. Projects that need completing. Projects are waiting patiently for me to DO SOMETHING — preferably productive. I do feel like I’m making progress by embracing my inner Content Monkey and getting new content (not reruns) up on the website again. But that’s not technically fiction. 😎 I want to be back on track – or at least back on the Wagon before SoonerCon in a couple of weeks. Because once I get there, the Plot Bunnies will start breeding and I’ll come home with a whole new litter (and hopefully a different set of problems – like which one gets done first.

But the first obstacle is to banish Slacker Brain. If you know what this is, I feel for you. Slacker Brain SUCKS – both in its very existence and in the fact other people will get it. It’s that little part of the brain with the whispery little voice that says, “You’re such a slacker. You should doing ‘X’ right now. If you weren’t such a slacker, you could be where is right now.” This is a destructive little voice that has, unfortunately, a bunch of Little Friends.

As much as we all say, “Don’t listen to those voices. You are who you are…every career, every writer is different” – yeah, right. Come on. Easier said than done. This is my little demon. I’m trying very hard to exorcise it from my psyche – but that’s the problem with the Little Demon Voices… they’re ingrained – like mold in grout and just as hard to get rid of. So, if you’re fighting a little demon voice, know you’re not alone and you can (I can) overcome it by saying, “Next week, I WILL announce a new word count.” Who’s with me?

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