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[Writing Blog] Paying Forward

Posted by reudaly on May 22, 2013 in Writing |

So, welcome to Wednesday. The last Wednesday of my insane 7-day-a-week, multiple jobs schedule. I approach it with both joy and sadness (you’ll understand more why on Friday because that’s more a spotlight post). And then it’s back to the normal levels of chaos in my life.

But this week let’s talk about the Paying Forward concept. This is a concept I learned when I began writing – and though for the most part, it’s part of the Golden Writing Rule. Sometimes there’s still a “It’s my club and you can’t play” attitude, but most of the writers I’ve met are secure enough to help out new writers. This is the paying forward idea. That we creatives can’t pay BACK those who’ve paved the way – because they are beyond us already on the food chain (there’s a caveat, but I’ll get to that) so we pay Forward by helping others as we’ve been helped.

That’s what a lot of panels are about in conventions. But it also applies to other places. It’s part of why I write this particular part of my blog. And it’s why I talk to almost anyone anywhere. New writers often feel completely alone and like they’re inventing the wheel – when baby, by now, where we’re going we don’t need wheels.
I love the fact Selina Rosen put out I Didn’t Quite Make It to OZ as a companion to I Should’ve Stayed in OZ. I almost promote the companion more than the actual anthology. Why? Because it’s a tool I wish I had starting out. She explains before each story WHY it didn’t make it into the “official” anthology. The generic rejection is “Not Quite Right” but that can mean so many things – the rarest reason being “you suck”. If you write or aspire to write… GET THIS BOOK. Right now. You want an insight into an editor’s mind… here it is.

Why else do I talk to aspiring writers? Selfish beast I am… I hope someday if one of those people DOES become the next JK Rowling or Stephanie Meyer (regardless of what you think of their quality) I want them to TAKE ME WITH THEM. Because let’s face it, we don’t know who the next superstar is going to be. Why take the chance?

Besides, we can all use good will/karma/what-have-you in the world. And it’s all part of the universal law of “Don’t Be A Jerk”. These new writers aren’t my competition. They’re my inspiration. I was them not too long ago. So hats off to you – get writing. Get submitting. And I look forward to sharing Table of Contents with you down the road.

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