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[Writer Blog] Boston and Writers Paying Dues

Posted by reudaly on April 17, 2013 in Writing |

So, it’s Wednesday. That’s writing post day. It’s also a very weird week. I’m not sure how I feel about it all. My heart and thoughts go out to the people of Boston and the runners of the Boston Marathon. I’m not a runner myself – but I do walk, and I’ve done a half-marathon before, so I know the spirit that is there to finish – and in this case to finish well.

The stories coming out of Boston are both heroic and heartbreaking. I wish everyone a speedy recovery and a quick return to some semblance of normalcy – because the real defense against terrorism is to not give in to the fear. I’ve only been to Boston once, but it was a treasured memory and experience. I WILL go back again one day.

And in an attempt to get everything back to that even keel… an article went about yesterday about “paying” dues to be a writer. It was about more literary and, I guess, academic avenues for publication. But the money this woman says she’s paid out for conferences and submission fees? Okay, that may be “the way it’s done” in those high and might “literary” or academic circles…but it’s NOT the way it’s done in SF/F or any other genre I know about.

Seriously, if anyone…ANYONE in genre fiction asks you to PAY to submit, or charges a reading fee for anything – RUN AWAY. RUN. Fast. Don’t look back. Paying for a competition is slightly different, but you have to look at the potential outcome and weigh whether or not it’s something you want to spend your money on – like a lottery ticket, because that’s what it is.

Conferences and conventions – yes, that’s a legitimate expense to build a writing career. No one is arguing that. But, again, you have to figure out if you can afford the time and the expense to go to these things. What are you going to learn and get out of it if you’re still learning – what contacts and skills? If you’re already published, is the expense worth the outcome in sales and audience building and/or networking – because this is part of your job now. If the answer is “yes”, then go. If it’s no – then there’s your answer.

This is for GENRE fiction. Because I was already schooled in how I took the article out of context or how the academic arenas are different, we don’t have to go through that again. This is my take on my genre and my industry and how it should apply to that.

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