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[Spotlight Post] That isn’t…A Minor Rant and Cookies

Posted by reudaly on April 12, 2013 in Life |

So, I was going to struggle to come up with spotlight post today – but technology has decided in the last 24 hours (mostly at Day Job) to rise up and revolt. This makes me quite cranky. There’s also a perceived mechanics attitude going on of “the girl can’t know what she’s talking about” when it comes to this stuff. Or “surely it’s not doing what she says it’s doing”… um yeah, it is.

I know I’m not the most technical of people. I’m a functional literate when it comes to computers. I just want them to do what they’re supposed to when they’re supposed and leave me the heck alone. No… there’s stuff going on here that baffles the mind. I can do about HALF my job at the moment. That’s what’s making me about to go “Hulk Smash Redhead Angry” on computers.

But on the bright side, I’m experimenting with crockpot brisket tonight. A co-worker told me how to cook one in crockpot – this is half of a small one because there’s only two of us, but there should be enough to heat and eat left overs tomorrow night. We’ll shred/chop for sandwiches tonight. I also have pork loin in the freezer to do the same thing with – because there has to be something that can be left over for a weekend night so we don’t have to eat out so much during Scarborough season.

Yes, the brisket talk is me trying to unclench my teeth. I’m also in that “I’m too ticked off at technology to cook” phase, so the fact it’s cooking FOR ME…that helps. If these hunks of meat work, that’s what will be going on during Dallas Comic Con… Woo hoo!!! So looking forward t that. See what kind of fun we can have there – if you missed the announcement, I’ll be sharing a table with brilliant and award winning artist – Brad Foster.

So…tonight I will be stress baking (and I kinda promised) I’ll be plying my Scarborough friends with treats tomorrow –the password is “Cookies”. Just so you know. The password is “Cookies”. Gluten free maple shortbread, and because of the frustration…something with chocolate. May try bite sized brownies, or a chocolate cookie of some sort…we’ll see…

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