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[Spotlight Post] J. Kathleen Cheney – Author and Friend

Posted by reudaly on March 29, 2013 in Books, Spotlight |

I’ve mentioned in the past that I always hesitate reading my own writer friends. It’s very possible to really and truly like someone but have their writing not hit the right cord with you. Or you agree to review something before you read to find out there’s technical issues that you have to address that has the writer thinking you hate their book and then never speaks to you again. So…I hesitate.
I’m also just finally delving into ebooks. I do prefer paper, but…you know…getting with the times and all. And now I have an iPad – which means I can use all the other apps and get random books from all over… when J. Kathleen Cheney offered a “chapbook” of sorts of three short stories on Amazon Kindle for free… well, I decided to take a shot.
I’ve known J. Kathleen Cheney for several years through conventions. I follow her on social media. I know she’s part of the RWA (Romance Writers) and does historical stuff. She’s also gotten a book deal (yay her!) and been up for some awards. (Double Yay). But I only JUST NOW read her, because she’s a friend… and a silly friend at that.
So… didn’t expect what I read in A Hand for Each, which is creepy, creepy stuff. Yes, historical. Yes, romantic –or at least elements of it. But DUDE, major creepitude. Left turn at horrorville. But very well constructed, don’t-quite-see-it-coming, give you the EVER LOVIN’ WILLIES horror. Vincent Price would’ve been QUITE at home in the film versions of some of her stuff. And after reading, “Fleurs du Mal”, I’ll never see “Little Shop of Horrors” the same way again.
I haven’t read her other stuff…YET. I will have to read some funny/light stuff before I try again. I can only read so much creepy, weird stuff before it messes with my head. And, dude, this is on that level. If you like historical dark and creepy – definitely check out A Hand for Each. I haven’t read the other pieces you see here – I will eventually, because I know even though it’s twisted and creepy (at least this collection), it’s GOOD. And she’s really good people, too, or she wouldn’t be my friend. BONUS! Check her out!

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