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[Spotlight Post] The Follow Spot Post

Posted by reudaly on March 8, 2013 in Life, Spotlight, Writing |

Today is supposed to be a spotlight post day, but I’m blargy today. I’ve cricked my neck. The weather is in flux. My Friday is turning into a Monday feeling. So this might be some kind of random post. Sorry. My focus is lacking today. So this is going to be a follow the bouncing ball kind of post – or follow spot… theater tech people, it’s as close to a joke as I get.

Just finished Mars Crossing by Geoffrey Landis, and it didn’t end like I expected – which is interesting since you go through the book expecting one of two endings. He came up with a third one. Which is…unexpected. He kept the character lines going the whole way. I really enjoyed it.

Found out this week that Nathan Fillion is going to be a guest at Dallas Comic Con in May (which YAY! Same building as Captain Tightpants!!!!), which means my next book is going to have to be the Castle novel I picked up last week on the B&N clearance rack. I love these books. They read like an episode – and they’re really, really careful about not letting on who’s really writing them. But I think it would be fun to have him sign one of them (mostly because that’s all I’m going to be able to afford, I’m sure).

There are tons of fantastic people coming to Dallas Comic Con this year. I’m so glad I have my table – even if it means that we have to find someone else to run the booth at Scarborough that weekend. Yes, we’re going to be running a booth out there again this year for a different artist than we used to work with, but in the same family. So looking forward to Dallas Comic Con. Devin Pike – the show MC who does a lot of the Q&As is going to have an AMAZING job in May. If I didn’t have to cover a table and selling books, I’d so be seeing if he needed an assistant… almost kidding, Devin…

Oh, and I’m doing a local author library show in Bedford Texas in a couple of weeks. Haven’t seen much about it, but it is on their calendar. So if you’re in the DFW area, tell your friends. And now, it’s time to get back to the Day Job so I can keep doing what I do.

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