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[Writer Post] Different Kinds of Success

Posted by reudaly on February 13, 2013 in Conventions, Writing |

It’s Writer Wednesday and two days before ConDFW. I have several things on my “to-do” list to get done before Friday… ACK!!!! It’ll all get done. Eventually.

SciFi Expo was an good experience. Saturday was the “financially” successful day, whereas Sunday was the “networking” successful day. You need both as a writer. Truly. Because one does actually feed into the other. You have to have the network in place to make the financial part happen.

Okay, so here’s today’s lesson – don’t neglect your older works when it comes to selling. It’s always a lot more fun to sell the new and pretty projects. But man, you never know when what someone wants is something you wrote a decade ago. I completely sold out of the first anthology I was in with Yard Dog Press – More Stories That Won’t Make Your Parents Hurl – apparently people wanted original fairy tales and fables as much as anything else on my table. Now I usually sell 1 or 2 – but rarely 5.

The networking thing is so important. You never know when that potential reader you’re talking to ends up being someone who could hire you to teach a seminar or be Billy Boyd. (No, I didn’t sell a book to a Hobbit, but he did walk past the table). We’re still waiting to see what happens with the other thing – because yes, I had two different people ask if I “spoke” , so hey… we’ll see what happens there.

I’ll get into some more detail about stuff – like how I initiated a conversation between Tricia Helfer and Glenn Moreshower later…and how gracious and nice (and tall and good looking) Kevin Sorbo and Bruce Boxleitner are…maybe Friday before ConDFW when I’m harried and frantic. 😎

Oh, and I pretty much have my iPad set up for productivity. It worked for this show…I’ll be working on WRITING on it shortly, because yes, Viriginia, I do need to get more stuff out there. And a future topic will also be “Cross Promotion” how it can help and be a pain all at the same time (yes, future ideas, so I don’t forget).

Come see me at ConDFW and wish me a Happy Birthday on Sunday.

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