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[Spotlight Post] Settlers of Catan

Posted by reudaly on February 1, 2013 in Spotlight |

Yeah, okay, today I’m spotlighting a game. Why? It’s what I’ve got, and it’s been a really busy week.

My admission is that I have never been a big game player. And I’m definitely not a “Gamer”. I was an only child and really didn’t have the core group to ever get into it. Our family – well, Dad, wasn’t into – which would’ve left me and Mom and a lot of games require more than two to be really fun.
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My husband though, he has the gaming background. All kinds. But still, with just the two of us, we don’t play a lot. HOWEVER…Jimmy got a new copy of Settlers of Catan one Christmas, and we have a couple of friends who stay with us from time to time who love the game. And I have to admit, when they visit, I look forward to playing an evening away. And it’s a weirdly addicting game.

I say that because it’s both a game of skill and luck – mostly luck. You can have these “Grand Plans” and be diligent in your strategy, and stake out all the good resources, but if the dice aren’t with you? All those plans are right out the window. Which is what makes it fun for me – because I’m new at this whole “Games ROCK” thing and still need some help from time to time.

Which is why it’s good I never, ever play this game with people who are hyper-competitive. Jimmy’s super patient – he helps me (and our friends who are also sporadic players) with rule reminders and initial set up, then we’re all on our own. That’s also what makes it something I enjoy rather than something I MUST WIN. Because let’s face it, I don’t … much.
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Of course, developing a love for Settlers of Catan doesn’t hurt my “Geek Cred” at all either. This is a classic game that I now have in common with Wil Wheaton, and you know, that’s all that matters. (HA!). And now that I’m getting somewhat comfortable with the original game and board – it might be time for something like this awesome looking Star Trek Version…

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