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[Writer Post] The Week That Is…And Upcoming Shows

Posted by reudaly on January 30, 2013 in Books, Conventions, Writing |

So, this week’s writing blog… I wish I had something profound to say today about writing. But, I really don’t. This week has been busy getting ready for convention season and my other two writing jobs.

The final version of Isabella the Brave has finally be printed – with the final cover (still DIY). I ordered and received the banner to stand up behind tables at things like SCI FI EXPO. I’m waiting on new giveaway pens to come in. As well as making sure all the other promotional material is ready to go when I hit the ground running next weekend. Because ConDFW is just a few days after that.

I’ve also picked up a new event – when they have a flier/website/link ready to go I’ll mention it more. But the Bedford Library is doing a “Meet the Local Author Day” on March 23rd. I’ll be participating in that because it’s close to home and only one day – 10am – 5pm. (I’ve got to make use of that banner, right?)

Finding some new venues to sell books is part of the business of writing – and a great way to find and encourage new readers. Because let’s face it, trying to “convert” co-workers is like convincing family that you’re actually a working professional. Yes, it’s much, much easier to entice complete strangers.

So here I am, working on the business end of the writing and feeling a bit guilty about my dearth of new fiction words this week. But I am not letting it get to me TOO MUCH – I’ll be back on that wagon with a vengeance because blowing it for a few days IS NEVER A REASON TO STOP.

But if you want to come to SciFi Expo and ConDFW and poke me to write more and help me celebrate my birthday (buying my books is a great way to celebrate that), then please do – and tell me you’re following the blog instructions (so I also know that people read this).

And now… back to work.

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