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[Spotlight Post] Kevin Sorbo & Why I Look Forward to Meeting Him (Hopefully)

Posted by reudaly on January 25, 2013 in Spotlight |

I’m still getting my bearings for this year’s round of spotlight posts. Which will kick up in full force (truly) next month when I start doing conventions again, I promise. And in preparation for that, I’m doing a little bit of revisiting and researching. For example… in a couple of weeks I venture back to SCI FI EXPO, which is part of the Dallas Comic Con family of shows.

Now these multi-media comic book shows are different from the literary ones. I have a table in the exhibit hall and don’t do panels. And they have actors. It’s my time to get to be a fan girl (and I laugh when someone said they never pictured me as a gibbering fan girl – hah!!!) without going overboard because I may have to work with them some day and impressions, you know. This show splits actors between upstairs and exhibit hall – and yee haw are there some exciting (to me) actors in my neck of the show.

Kevin Sorbo is one of them. I admit I watched Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena. I even wrote a slightly embarrassing piece of fan fiction for Hercules. It’s one of the few shows where I liked the Lead as much as the Sidekick. And when Hercules was over, I did follow Kevin Sorbo to Andromeda (because it was Gene Roddenberry, for goodness sake). Andromeda had a line said by Tyr that I quote (probably wrong) to this day…

”There are three things I’m sure will survive when the Universe ends: Dylan Hunt, cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt saving the cockroaches.”

Yeah…that seemed to be the Kevin Sorbo role…then came Dharma and Greg, which was a steam college history professor who also did the Right Thing in the end.
So the question became, what’s he doing now? Come to find out… a lot. I hit You Tube. I hit Facebook. And learned that Kevin Sorbo is an actor of Faith – he is a solid Christian, with a solid family and a solid marriage. That made me respect him even more. He’s been in some Faith-based films and projects as well as mainstream – and hark, no one seems to care! Why? Because he’s not the stereotypical, hysterical nutcase that Hollywood seems to make some actors/celebrities out to be – some rightfully so. Good for him.

Now I’m doubly looking forward to meeting him in a couple of weeks.

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