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[Writer Post] Welcome to 2013!

Posted by reudaly on January 8, 2013 in Conventions, Writing |

The writer blog is back from the Holidays! 2013 is starting off in a very “Non Chinese Curse” interesting kind of way. And I think I like it. SHUSH! Don’t scare it off!

Not only have I been actually productive…writing new words of fiction this year – maybe not many, but pretty darned consistently (which is something anyway – the shiny and new is wearing off the day job and the holidays are over). There’s been movement on my submissions. Which is a good way to start a year.

My first response was a rejection. The story that was rejected has already been sent out, but it’s a tough sell – zombie parrot dark humor (sort of). Like many of my stories still out “in the wild” looking for homes. They’re… quirky. Sometimes you get a hit. Sometimes you send that sucker hither and yon for freakin’ ever hoping and praying you finally find the right home for the story. Other times…other times you get lucky.

I got lucky this week. Rick Klaw – the Geek Curmudgeon himself – is editing an anthology for LoneStar 3 (aka WorldCon 2013) through FACT (Fandom Association of Central Texas) – called Rayguns Over Texas. The guidelines were something like “anything SF/F related by a Texas author”. I wrote something. I sent it in. I waited while I saw the list of accepted authors grow – and the names on it were astonishing. Then I was notified of my acceptance. I was super lucky that Rick had a place for “quirky weird” in his lineup. I am honored to be in this anthology with friends and legends.

So, what’s next? I am working on a short story that’s due in early May – it finally seems happy with the direction I want it to go and is coming together. I’m still working on rewriting that novel from college. I have some other projects that might come back to bite me sooner or later. A novel submission I took a chance on back in October – the publisher says they’re going to start sending out responses in a couple of weeks. We’ll see where that leads me.

And the convention season starts in about a month. I’ve updated my appearance calendar here. But I’m starting out with a table at Dallas Comic Con’s SCI FI EXPO where I get to be in the same building as Bruce Boxleitner, Avery Brooks, Kevin Sorbo, Tricia Helfer, and many others. I have a new floor banner to stand behind the table, so maybe people can find me better.

I’ll be celebrating my birthday at ConDFW again this year…so come play with us there. We’ll have finally copies of the coloring book at both events. You know you want to see what that’s all about. And now… back to the fiction.

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