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[Writer Post] Musings on 2012

Posted by reudaly on December 26, 2012 in Writing |

This is the last writer post of 2012. Did I do everything I intended to this year? Yes and no. I did “Finish stuff darn it”, but there’s always a sense of being able to do “more”. It’s the Curse of the Coulda, Shoulda, Wouldas – and it’s deadly.

As I write this, I just came across a Joe Lansdale post on writing. He says just what I’m thinking today – and struggle with always.

Joe Lansdale
Perfection in writing, or anything else, doesn’t exist. Striving for perfection is the goal, but more importantly is having enough sense to know you’ve done what you can. You might do better later on the same piece, or you might never do any better. But you work for the best and you have to mean it, and even if you think something is perfect, trust me, there’s always someone that can find a flaw. It’s the overall accomplishment that matters. No excuses for sloppy work, and you can work as hard as it as you want, but in the end you can only do the best you can at the time.

If you don’t follow Joe Lansdale on social media – go follow him. He’s a wise and funny man. And he’s willing to share his knowledge. That’s a mighty thing.

I fall into the same trap as nearly every other writer known to man – I look at other writers and feel like I should be more like them – faster, stronger, better… we have the technology… yes, I think I should be the Six Million Dollar Writer, but I’m not bionic. I’m me and I do what I do at the pace in which I do it.

Could I be farther along in my career if I had done things differently? Maybe. Would I have the friends, colleagues and experiences? No. I might’ve had the same friends and colleagues, but the experiences? Those are the important things. Those are what have made me the writer I am today.

I do strive to have greater output. I do know that I’ve dropped some balls in that regard when it’s come to adjusting my life back to Day Jobbery, but… New Year. New Beginnings. I’m happy with how 2012 has come about. I’m *really* looking forward to 2013. And it’s okay to not be perfect.

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