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[Spotlight Post] Karl Schroeder — Is it or Isn’t it Steampunk?

Posted by reudaly on October 5, 2012 in Spotlight |

This week’s spotlight is kind of a work in progress – and also a flashback to FenCon. We brought in a well-known Canadian author to run our writer’s workshop. And found out he’s not as well-known…HERE, but he’s a great guy and though I haven’t read all of one of his books, I like what I’m reading so far. It’s just that my reading time is severely limited at the moment, so it’s not going nearly as fast as I would like – but it’s ME, not HIM.
This week I introduce you to (or remind you of) Karl Schroeder. Karl is one of those “quiet” people you have to watch out for. Just when you think this rather laid back (and kinda sleepy-seeming) guy isn’t paying attention…ZING! Right in the kisser with some kind of pun or joke or shocking story of a very interesting neighbor… This guy ROCKS.
I bought Virga 1.2 online because Karl loves this cover by artist Dan Seeley (who also did the Weather Warden covers for Rachel Caine). I started reading it at FenCon because I forgot the book I’d started at home. I’ve now abandoned said book in favor of finishing this one. Virga 1.2 (which comes up with an unfortunate “did you mean” if you search for it by name) is an omnibus of two novels. I’m currently still on the first one, Sun of Suns. Queen of Candesce is the second.
I’m not sure how to classify the subgenre, but I’m thinking it has to be close to steampunk. I’m given to understand there’s some Mennonite in it? So the tech is wood-based and the like, but not really “steamy”. So whatever it is, it works for me. And I really want to know where the story’s going. It’s low-tech but high-tech. The world doesn’t have land…it’s all platforms in air with clouds and ice and weird things that make me have to finish reading.

There are other books and other stories. I’ll probably be checking some of those out along the way as I can – my “to be read” pile is almost taller than me. Why? Because until I had occasion to interact with Karl, and realize how cool he is as a person, I don’t know that I would’ve ever picked up on of his books. That would’ve been a tragic mistake on my part.

So take a note from me. Go check out Karl Schroeder. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

And now, y’all can take me to task on how this isn’t steampunk and how wrong I am about stuff, because then I know someone’s reading.

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1 Comment

  • Debbie W says:

    I’m still slowly working my way through VENTUS, his first published work. He was offering it for free on his web page & that was in my budget so I downloaded it & started it before FenCon. It’s a long book, but once I finish it, I do plan on getting the Virga series. I’ve been reading so much YA & Urban Fantasy lately that it feels odd to be reading something more “hardcore SF” although I wouldn’t truly label VENTUS as such, other than in comparison to my recent book choices. You’re right. Karl’s a great guy & a great author, too!

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