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[Writer Post] FenCon in the Rearview – or – Peter David Wore My Fez

Posted by reudaly on September 26, 2012 in Conventions, Writing |

I’m currently recovering from FenCon — while starting a new job. So far, I’m upright and moderately coherent. We’ll see how long that lasts. FenCon is always a whirlwind for me. I never get to spend the time I would like with the people I care about because I’m always running in a half-dozen directions. This one was no exception, but I’m really pleased with the outcome.

FenCon Squares

I freely admit that I love my job on the FenCon staff. It’s my job to make sure our Guests of Honor have the easiest, most fun time they can have. Which means getting them things they need in order to do whatever it is that they need to do. Sometimes it’s as easy as making sure an astronaut has his photos and a Sharpie to sign them with (though NOT my stainless steel one). Other times it means making toast in a bathroom (it was the only out-of-the-way, free electrical plug). They always make my FenCon interesting.

One of the thing that wasn’t as difficult to fill as it should’ve been. Peter David needed a fez for one of his Toastmaster duties. I have one…and apparently so do half our ConCom. So, yes. In the cabaret, Peter David wore my fez, used the toast I made as Opening Ceremonies Toastmaster. See? I’m sure there aren’t that many people can say, “HEY! Peter David wore my fez!”

Me and Peter David doing Charlie Weaver

This FenCon was…interesting. I was on a new convention game show, “FenCon Squares” where I was next to Peter David playing Charlie Weaver and in front of Joe Dalek. Though it got off to a slow start, it was TONS of fun, and I want to do it again. I loved this show as a kid, and loved being in a vestige of it now. The Redheads press conference went well, and we signed and sold some books. And if you didn’t know, Yard Dog Press has trading card packets…and I am apparently a fairly common card. Like the easy to find pieces in a fast food or grocery store games. I signed a ton of those this weekend. Then on Sunday I was on a collaboration panel with Teresa Patterson and Cathy Clamp. Don’t know about the people in the audience, but I found the information imparted by the other panelists fascinating.

But I really did find a new and greater appreciation for my fandom–beyond what was already there. The fire alarm went off between 5pm and 6pm on Saturday. And as a member of the ConCom, that meant I was on duty to get our people to safety. It was an actual alarm that had to be taken seriously, and our people got up, started out of the building, and when the all clear sounded, went back to what they were doing. It’s kinda good to know that 1) I can run in my Vorpal Bunny slippers; and 2) I still have my “teacher” voice. Also, apparently it was amusing to see a woman in a formal dress and Vorpal Bunny slippers organizing an evacuation.

The Redheads of the Apocalypse and assorted Minions. Don’t you want to be a minion, too?

Oh, and I also freely admit that I know the least about our musical guests when they arrive. Our filk/music track isn’t my strong suit. But I ended up listening to John Anealio’s music–which we’re now categorizing as “Nerd Rock”. He does original music rather than parodies…and they’re CATCHY. Earwig catchy. I have several snippets of Anealio music stuck in my head after this weekend. If you haven’t listened go now…

I read to kids, had a lovely dinner with people I care about. And now we look forward to next year.

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