[Spotlight Post] Nicole Pellegrini – Renaissance Woman
This has to be a fast spotlight because today is super busy. About to head eastward for the East Texas Book Festival tomorrow, and I’m not even packed yet. Yikes. So I’m not even going to be able to mention all the things she does, is, and everything… This week’s spotlight post is on Nicole Pellegrini.

All these pictures are 5 years old and from my wedding.
Nicole is the definition of a renaissance woman. She’s an artist. She’s a jewelry designer. She’s a writer. And she’s just turned in the pre-application to Master Chef 4. If I didn’t know her and like her, she’d be really intimidating. As it is, she’s just cool. She’s an activist for Infertility Awareness. She’s a writer for Squidoo. I would highlight her accomplishments, but there are JUST SO MANY.

She made the jewelry for the wedding.
The Squidoo thing is really taking off her, as is her “South Jersey Foodie” Blog. But to me her strengths are are her art and her jewelry. Even though we haven’t been in the same place at the same time for years, I still have many of her pieces in my jewelry box. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to part with them. But… I just found out that we may all be together again next year for WorldCon. Woo hoo!

Group shots are pain.
Nicole’s someone I’ve been friends with for at least 15 years. We met in the early days of online fandom when we had/have a shared fangirl love of Dwight Schultz. She published fanzines at the time and introduced me to the actual “term” fanfic (I’d been doing it for years, just didn’t know it had a name).
She’s dragged me into several fandoms. I love this about her. And not only is she a major fangirl, she’s one of the “non-scary/has a clue” fangirls that ends up knowing the darnedest people. Her early, “unofficial” John Glover fan page? That got Mr. Glover’s attention and he made her his OFFICIAL webmaster. And after following a Police tour for about a year and a half…several years after that she mentioned to me that Stewart Copeland was in town for a free event. Afterwards, I asked him to wish her a happy birthday (this year was one of those “milestones”). He said, “Oh sure, I know Sockii (her fan name) and SANG TO HER on my iPhone.
So her being a big time fan has given ME the opportunity to meet some fun and interesting people. John Glover once bought us coffee at the train station in New York. Stuff that would never happen to me if it weren’t for her.
So, if you haven’t checked out this incredibly well-rounded and amazing person. Do it now. She’s not that hard to find. You will not be disappointed.