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[Writing Post] Writing, Revision, and SF Signal’s MindMeld

Posted by reudaly on August 29, 2012 in Podcast/Media, Writing |

So it’s Wednesday blog time. Whee. While tons of people I know are hie-ing off Chicago for WorldCon or Atlanta for Dragon*Con, I’m prepping for the East Texas Book Fest on the 8th and keeping my head above water for FenCon towards the end of the month. Fortunately I seem to be time managing fairly well at the moment.

In the “take the marketing opportunities when they come” vein, I was approached (in a mass invite) to participate in SF Signal’s MINDMELD. This is where the columnist poses a writing/reading/publishing question to folks and we can write answers (always my preferred method). This particular question was on revisions and editing when it comes to ebooks and re-releases. I got lucky, that particular topic came up at our monthly ORAC (DFW area fangroup) meeting. You can read my answer to the question in the article.

Now, why did I take the time to participate in this when I’m in Time Management Crunch Mode? Well, SF Signal gets tons of readers every day/week/month. This is a column that attracts quality writers and editors, both as readers and participants. It’s also a grand audience of people who may or may not know me yet. And I had an answer ready. That’s the big key. You don’t jump on these things just to JUMP. You need to be able to answer the question honestly and without making it a blatant pitch.

So, what else? I’ve actually FINISHED stuff in the last few weeks. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a ton of things to do. But I have a story with beta readers now. Still debating on whether or not it’s the story to send to an anthology in a month or so. It’s kind of silly, but early feedback says good silly–but flat out humor may not be the way to go for this market.

I’ve finished rewriting another chapter to the college novel. Still behind on the chore typing, but that’s a doable hurdle. There’s still a lot of work to do on that novel. I need to do some further research for the finished novel–it came back from its last publisher with a “not right for us” rejection. And I’ve been plugging along at my contract, part time writing day job.

So…continuing into the breach. There are other short stories to be finished. Novels to be worked on. Fiction to be written. Tally-HO!

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