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[Spotlight Post] Sara Felix – Artist

Posted by reudaly on July 27, 2012 in Spotlight |

Because it’s ArmadilloCon weekend–and because in part of my FenCon staff role I scared the heck out of her–this week’s spotlight is on Sara Felix. Sara’s a fantastic artist who has also been suckered into the wonderful, glamorous role of convention organizer. She’s this year’s conchair for ArmadilloCon. Bwa hahahaha.

Me, Sara Felix, and Renee Babcock taken by Jayme Blaschke

According to her website (which needs pictures, Sara), her work is mostly clay (polymer and air dry), shrink plastic (think childhood shrinky dinks), resin, and bottle caps. It’s what she does with these materials that is beyond cute.

I can’t even remember the first time I encountered Sara’s art. It’s just always seemed to…be. And it’s some of the cutest SF art I’ve ever encountered. Almost all of Sara’s art is 3D, so you won’t see it hanging, it’s all displayed on a table. She started out, at least in my mind, with these little robots depicting life, literature, and pop culture. We currently have one of her writer/reader robots on our bookcase.

My love of her work transitioned to “wearable” art when she started doing the shrink plastic pendants in retro SF styles–rocket ships and ray guns. I ended up with a ray gun that looks like something out of the 1950s with bright colors and “gems” and gears. Alas, one of the hangers for the chain broke. So she made me a new pendant… this one encased in metal. I LOVE being a street model. I’ve sent several people scurrying to the convention Art Show to check out what she might have there.

Then…Jimmy and I decided early in our marriage that instead of coming up with anniversary gifts for each other every year, we’d buy art for the house. This year with money being tight, Jimmy picked up one of Sara’s “box” pieces. It’s probably clay figures showcased in a small wooden box – like a shadow box – set in a “Love” them. There’s a big heart and tiny, tiny robots swinging off it. It was a perfect little new piece (in our budget) for our 5th Anniversary (which is…wood). It’s sitting next to the robot…

The Love Box

So, please, please, please. Check out Sara’s work. She show stuff on Facebook. She has art at a lot of conventions (especially Texas ones). And, honestly? The art does, indeed, reflect the artist. Sara’s one of the nicest, most adorable people I’ve met. Get to know her. You won’t regret it. Just not this weekend. She may be a little frazzled.

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