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[Writer Post] The Perfect Storm of Circumstance

Posted by reudaly on July 25, 2012 in Writing |

Well, huh. I almost totally forgot to do a writing blog this week. Bad Rhonda. It’s been a “perfect storm” of things this week. There’s helping out my niece with her wisdom teeth-ectomy. She’s doing great so far. And I’m prepping for ArmadilloCon, which I’m really looking forward to.

Really, really looking forward to ArmadilloCon this year. They moved it up so we get to help celebrate our friend, Renee’s, extended birthday. I get…GET…to moderate a panel on SF/F Musicals. HOW COOL IS THAT??? Because after my first thought, and some quick Google-fu by my niece. I have a great basis for discussion, I believe (but am looking forward to a little more research before I head out). It’s going to be so much fun!!!! And I’m on Fannish Feud – as a contestant…on the “Pro” side this time. I think I’ll be one of the few people in ArmadilloCon history to have played all the “parts” to Fannish Feud. I’ve been the “host” and a “fan” contestant, now “pro” contestant. I’m just that good. 😎

I’m also ramping up a new freelance, part-time gig writing Facebook post/tips for small businesses. It’s a legitimate company pay-per-piece, but though I’m not getting a truckload of money (as in I’m still going on my job interview tomorrow), it’s a nice backup/extra source of income. And when it breaks down, it pays SFWA pro rates — which we all know isn’t a lot but it’s so much better than most pay-per-piece things. I have to do 4 sets of tips a month. I started in mid-month and by month-end, will have 5 under my belt.

What this accomplishes (besides income) is exposing me to areas of business/industry I’ve never thought about before–like Fuel Facility Maintenance and RV Parks. What does this have to do with anything, you ask? Besides giving me a little bit of knowledge on potentially a whole lot of stuff (making me even more dangerous than I already am)? It gives me this plethora of trivia bits that may or may not have bearing on story in the future. I mean, with my bits of RV park knowledge, I can weave some fact into a new Bubbas story (if I need one). It’s just enough to add depth and believability to an otherwise fantastical story.

So, today, while I was almost forgetting this post, I was working. Just not on the blog post. But hey, look… in under the wire. Now, to come up with a Spotlight before I’m typing it on my iPhone heading down I-35 toward Austin.

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