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[Spotlight] Doug Savage’s SAVAGE CHICKENS

Posted by reudaly on June 29, 2012 in Spotlight |

So, in coming up with a spotlight post this week, I’ve decided on Doug Savage’s daily comic, Savage Chickens. This is one of the comics I read every morning.

Savage Chickens is drawn on post-its and illustrate life…corporate, writing, and all around…life in ways that hit way too close to home sometimes. Which is why I love it, I think. It’s sarcastic and funny and well, speaks to me.

I had to send today’s post to my friend, Meredith, who does tech support for a major corporate identity, because it made me think of her. She apparently found it true to her because she’s “threatening” to print it out and post it at work.

Doug Savage has a great site if you’re not familiar with the franchise–it’s not really a “strip”. So you can check out his characters – and what’s not to love when he pulls in ninja chickens, time travel chickens, ZOMBIE chickens…and the PROD3000 – which is the supervisor we’ve all known and loathed.

He’s finally put out a book, which I need to get at some point just to catch up on what I’ve missed previously.

Savage Chickens deals with everything I do in life…it has a Death character, writer monkey — because we ALL feel like that at one time or another, and dude…chickens. Chickens are HILARIOUS, when drawn with a crazy outlook on life…or ninja skills. Because seriously? Ninja chickens? Those could happen. I can see it now as the next big genre thing…Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies…Ninja Chickens. And Doug Savage paves the way.

If you’re not reading this comic, check it out. He has most of the feeds: RSS, email, Twitter. Dude? You’re not on Facebook? What’s that about? But if you ever wondered what makes me laugh or sparks some of the plot bunnies? This is one of those things. Savage Chickens. Really.

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