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[Writer Post] The Wednesday Post that Almost Wasn’t

Posted by reudaly on June 13, 2012 in Writing |

Holy Cow, it’s Wednesday. I totally forgot about my blog post. I’m so sorry, y’all. I wish I had a good reason/excuse, but I don’t. It’s a brain burp. That and convention time.

We’re getting ready to head out to SoonerCon this weekend with ApolloCon next weekend, so my wee brain is running around in circles hoping I have everything I need and/or can get it all together. I’ve nipped my sinus issue in the bud, but I’m still on meds and saline washes–which apparently washed all thoughts out of my head.

So… typical convention note–if you’re a writer, they’re important. If you’re support system to a writer (family, non-biological family, friends) conventions are important. These are not just excuses to go hang out at a bar (notice I said “just”), it’s part of our business. And for those support folk out there (who won’t read this, but it makes me feel better) who think writing and art are “just some doodling” or whatnot–it’s our BUSINESS. We’re not goofing off, this is what we do for a living. Conventions are how we interact with readers, editors, and other writers. We just happen to do it in an entertaining way–which is a which is a lot more work than you realize. We’re “on duty” 24/7, having to be polite, entertaining, and just…ON. FOR THREE DAYS, away from home, in hotel environments. This is work and we do it (or should) gladly.

This is not directed at anyone in particular–at least in my sphere. I’m lucky to have people in my life that get it. Too many of my colleagues don’t. And to not make too fine a point, while I’m at SoonerCon, not only do I have to be cute and entertaining to those attending, I have to carve out time to meet with one of my writing partners about some stuff because it’s one of the few times we’ll be at the same place at the same time.

Okay…convention pep talk over. Now to some interesting links on the internet… because I’m flying by the seat of my pants on this one.

AC Cripsin and Writer Beware let the writing world know that finally there seems to be a LEGITIMATE Class Action Lawsuit shaping up to take down Publish America. Publish America has been a black spot on publishing for way too long, and I wish these folks luck in taking it down. Good luck to the plaintiffs in this one. Publish America has killed more writing careers in its time than I care to think about. This has been vanity/self-publishing/subsidy publishing AT ITS WORST, because it’s been in the business of not calling itself that and defrauding authors for decades. It’s time for it to go away.

And for those who either want to help out artists, or still think we don’t work or bad things don’t happen to us. My friend, Robyn, shared this link about Artist Rescue Funds in the New York Times. It’s a way to provide some perspective to artist lives and to point out that we do what we do because we love it, but we also struggle.

Oh, and for fun…a project that I worked on probably 10 years ago may be gaining some legs. Just goes to show you can’t close any doors in this business, because you never know when it might just come back to life. It’s like zombies or vampires, some projects may not be DEAD, you never know when they’ll rise from their graves to wreak havoc on your life.

Now…hey, look a thrown together blog post. Now to start getting stuff together for homemade pizza. We’re celebrating Father’s Day with my dad tonight so he doesn’t miss out because we’re at SoonerCon. Hope to see some of you there.

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