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[Writer Post] Crowdsourcing a New Title for Novel

Posted by reudaly on April 11, 2012 in Books, Writing |

On Easter Sunday, I had the impromptu opportunity to converse and have a writing session with the beautiful and talented, Rachel Caine. I happened to be between a rehearsal and an Easter Service. She was on deadline. Starbucks was the common–and necessary–element to this crazy, random, happenstance. And now, this post is a recommendation on her part (because when you’re a writer on my level when writers at the Rachel Caine and Joe Lansdale level talk–I listen, and jump.).

I have a novel that I’ve been trying to sell. It’s been through the three of the Big Six that take unsolicited submissions and rejected. Not an uncommon occurrence. Now I’m looking to other publishers, but also looking to what needs fixing. One thing is probably the title of the novel. I have confessed on many occasions that I stink at titles. I do. Cain’s suggestion was to as YOU, the Internet Mind for suggestions on a new title.

So here we go. The novel is a space-station based romantic thriller/space opera. And I just realized as I was looking over my submission package, that I have a 4 page synopsis, but not a single paragraph one–which daunts me. So we’re going to try that right here…

Tarbox Station–a political and commercial hub where everyone and everything eventually comes, including diplomatic delegations. The Barzon delegation, a promising new ally to the United System Concord, is one such arrival escorted by Emma McDonald. Emma finds herself and the Barzons in the middle of interplanetary intrigue, plague, and personal attempted murder. Tarbox’s senior medical professional, Devon Ansely finds himself drawn into Emma’s orbit, and with the rest of the Tarbox staff, has to keep events from spiraling out of control. They have to figure out the most important issues – are the Barzons victims or conspirators? And how many will die figuring out the answer.

So, my crowdsourcing minds…what would YOU call this book? What kind of title would make you want to read that paragraph–perhaps as the cover blurb? And if you’re feeling really chatty–critique above paragraph. Does it make you want to know more about/read said book?

Help me, O Internet, you’re my only hope!!!!

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  • Tamisan says:

    List 5 words that individually describe this book. Tell me what is unique about or in this book. Like is there a unique disease or technology… etc. Are there any made-up tech or xenolinguistic terms? What existing books does it emulate, allude to, or somehow reference? Is there any pop culture element that would resonate with new readers? And, finally, fill in this blank: What if…

  • carma watkins says:

    my first thought was that i found the term “personal attempted murder” confusing. maybe drop the “personal” bit. my next thought concerned the next to last sentence. i would drop the first part of the sentence and just say “Are the Barzons victims or conspirators?” and i would add a question mark to the last sentence.
    As for a title, is there a unique cultural or social convention of any of the peoples involved that figures into the plot somehow? or maybe you could just go with “Tarbox station”?

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