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[Bonus Post] North Texas Comic Book Show and Why I Like Social Media

Posted by reudaly on March 8, 2012 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

It’s a really gray, gloomy day. I have most of my housework down for our local fan group meeting here on Saturday. I’ve submitted two revised stories to markets. And I’m down to chore typing… so what does that mean for YOU??? BONUS POST!!!! Besides, yesterday was ranty… Ranty…hmmm, there’s a Dwarf you never hear about.

Anyway… Promo alert. I’ll be appearing at April 1st (No Foolin’) North Texas Comic Book Show at the Lamar St. Hilton in Arlington TX. The headliner this time is Ben Dunn who’s been with Antartic Press for quite a while, as well as other comic book companies. This show is growing, so come check us out. It’s still ridiculously affordable – Free until Noon – then only $1.

Speaking of Dwarves…And I mentioned this on Facebook (badly) but one of the many reasons I like Social Media – the ability to “friend” people who’s work I admire. It’s not hard to imagine that the writer/creators are on social media – we all procrastinate. I’ve been able to “meet” many of the television writers who influenced me through the years. They still continue to inspire me – because a lot of that Television from the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s still holds up for me as darned good storytelling.

But also many of the (current) CHARACTER ACTORS I admire are on Social Media. Bruce Campbell is a hoot on Twitter. Amber Benson…Love being able to mention on Facebook that I made a Barnes and Noble dig out her book and shelve it because they hadn’t yet, and having it get back to her. And the more I watch Buffy reruns, the more I think Tara was the “underground” hero. (And seriously, as much as my favorite “Death” character has to be my own. Amber’s Calliope Jones/Death series? High second.) But also actors like Lee Arenberg – you know him, you just don’t know you know him. He was a goofy pirate in 3 of 4 Caribbean movies, he was on Scrubs, and now… Grumpy on Once Upon A Time.

I’ve always loved the character actors. They are so very talented and often over-looked in the shadow of the heart throb. But they’re also the ones that tend to have the cooler quirks and more humor. I never dream of writing for the George Clooneys of the world. I want to write for the Dwight Schultzes, the Amber Bensons, and the Lee Arenbergs of the world. Because there has to be a lot of skill and talent involved to write a character WORTHY of the talents they bring to their characters. If I can write a story THEY can sink their teeth into, then I’ve done what I want to do successfully.

Not that I would say “No” to working with leading actors, like say, Nathan Fillion. That wouldn’t be a horrible thing at all…

And yes, I realize I mostly write prose, but come on, we’ve all “cast” our stories/books in our heads for the imaginary movie. And I do have screenwriting training, I just have picked some of my battles. 😎

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