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[Writer Post] Anecdotal Wednesday

Posted by reudaly on February 29, 2012 in Writing |

It’s Writer Post Wednesday, and I totally forgot until I was halfway out the door this morning. So this will be Random Anecdote Day, which Is similar to a “SQUIRREL! Day”, but slightly different. We’ve had “Family Stuff” happen this week that’s thrown me off, which makes coherence (much less brilliance)…difficult.

1. If you haven’t already, check out CT Adams’s blog. On Wednesdays, she features guest writers – or, as she calls it, Visiting Dignitaries. Due to pet-aided circumstances she double-booked today. SO I’m one of the Leap Day Bonus Two-Fer post. Which is great, because while I’m good at the “Visiting”, I’m not so sure about the “Dignitary” part. I talk about a little-known, post-convention affliction known as “Special Snowflake Syndrome”. Go check it out.
2. I’m tickled that I picked out a detail in last week’s CSI episode before the cast did. A house was stolen – or actually “Jacked”, since they jacked it up and rolled it away. They found shoe prints. I took one look at the impression and said, “Those are Converses.” Actually, they were more specifically Chuck Taylors. I know those show prints because I – and whole lot of people I know – leave those prints behind. I’m kind of surprised none of the really hip guys on CSI didn’t recognize them. And SURE ENOUGH, 5 show time minutes later, they identified a dead guy (with the house dropped on him) with shiny, new, red, Chuck Taylor Converses — sure enough, the shoe prints matched. Woo! I was actually observant.
3. Be careful what you make up, it might be true. I jokingly (ish) refer to a forensic veterinarian in a story. Because they have forensic everything else, right? Um, right. There actually is a profession and a professional association for FORENSIC VETERINARIANS! Sometimes Google can be useful – when it’s not being EVIL. Still trying to figure out where in Texas there might be a chapter…I’m thinking Texas A&M, but wouldn’t mind being sure.

So that’s my anecdotal, pseudo-squirrel post. This is more productive than brainstorming ideas for a project that will NEVER, EVER happen – like Quantum Leap – The Next Legacy (which yeah, it comes off as half ST:TNG and half Tron Legacy. But it was a fun plot bunny while we walked the dogs.

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