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[Writing Post] More on Amazon and Merry Christmas

Posted by reudaly on December 21, 2011 in Writing |

Ah, yes, Wednesday. The day in which I try to come up with something pithy (or at the VERY, Very least coherent) about writing, the publishing industry, or some other aspect of this business. And… yeah. Coherent is about as good as I’m going to get today. It’s been a busy week.

Amazon is still making the rounds for being the new Big Bad. Seriously, folks, I know we all have to play nice. I have no problems with my books being for sale on Amazon. When I finally get all my stuff converted to electronic form, they will (I hope) be available on Kindle/Amazon. I WILL NOT , however, give Amazon (or any retailer for that matter) EXCLUSIVITY to my books. Publishers Weekly had a blog article on that very topic on Dec. 16.

I mean come on. It’s a no brainer really. No one puts all eggs in one basket if you can help it. It’s basic economics. The wider the supply stream, the wider the potential audience, right? You get books onto Nook, Kindle, iBooks, etc – you have many options for monetary compensation and increased readership. In a more traditional sense, you don’t (or didn’t) have print books in just ONE bookstore or available from just ONE dealer at a convention. You have multiple streams (in case someone sells out). It’s just good sense.

Granted the Exclusivity Clause is – right now – only if authors choose to be part of the Prime Lending Library for 90 days, but there are caveats and provisions that favor Amazon keeping most of the money that you might be entitled to, and so many hoops to jump through to stay eligible for the POSSIBILITY of payment (NOT guarantee of payment).

I know I have to do all my own marketing and promoting in this business. I don’t want to have my efforts come back to bite me as “competition” or some other tiny thing that gives my retailer an excuse to not pay me. I get that enough in an industry that’s struggling to survive as it is (see my collection of short stories that have killed publishers).

So, whether you’re a writer or a reader – keep up with what’s going on in the industry, it impacts you. It’s easy to see the gloom and doom. Heck, I did. Occasionally I still do, but I have to write. I’ve tried NOT writing for a while. I was miserable. This is in my blood. I have to do this even if it means struggling with an every changing industry. Because when I do see my work published, it still makes me happy. Knowing someone might read what I write and enjoy it? That makes me really happy — struggle or no.

And on that cheery note, have a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe if you’re traveling (and if you’re not). Be wise with your “holiday cheer” – designated drivers if it’s of the “adult” variety. And in the spirit of the season, I wish you all health, happiness, story sales, and joy, love, and laughter wherever you might find it.

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