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[Writer Post] Hey, Look, It’s November Again! Time for Multi-Tasking

Posted by reudaly on November 2, 2011 in Writing |

We’ve reached another November. That means ’tis the season to write tons of words very, very fast. It’s NANOMO (or NANOWRIMO) month. For all of you taking the challenge to write 50,000 words in the next 29 days, GOOD LUCK.

That’s not sarcasm, really. Though I don’t participate in NANOMO specifically, I posted my reason on Facebook yesterday – EVERY month is NANOMO for me (if I’m doing it right). I do support and admire those who do. I am still struggling to make sure I write SOMETHING every day – that whole small amounts consistently thing. And it is a struggle. But one I love, even when I’m tearing my hair out.

This is NOT a pseudo-annual “anti-NANOMO” post. Been there done that. It’s not even a pep talk for doing a little bit every day. Been there done THAT, too. (But Rhonda, you rehash topics ALL THE TIME! What’s different?) Nothin’. This is a rehash of my “to do” list. With one “To DONE” (sort of) list.

2011 was supposed to be a “Finish Something Darn It” year. And it’s (again) SORT OF happened. Kinda… As with most of us, there has been a lot of stuff happen this year that’s put speed bumps and major detours along the way. I have gotten a couple of new stories written (one submitted and published already). The one I was challenged to write in August is currently with some first readers. I have my notebooks of things to be working on put together.

I do multi-task. So I do have multiple projects going. I know several of my Pro Writer friends who’d come beat me with a FOCUS! Stick, but this is how I roll until there’s a deadline. As with last week, when I was determined to finish my short story – darn it.

I have three novels that are in stages of completion. One is my first novel which I’ve started completely rewriting. Basically I’m reading the old chapters and then redoing them. WHY? Because when I wrote it mumble-mumble years ago, it was okay to have 3rd Person Omniscient POV in SF. Now it’s called “head-hopping” and it’s…frowned upon. Since it’s an ensemble cast, I’m choosing a character per chapter to use as a POV character.

I’m also trying to work on my YA novel and my serial killer novel. A lot of that is clean up typing work to get to where I was and move forward. I do have a backlog of typing that needs doing. THIS WEEK, I’ve been pretty good about doing some morning work on it.

It’s hard to work on just one of these projects. I like them all for different reasons. The YA novel is much like the new Once Upon A Time only different. I love this Fall Season of TV for helping make Fairy Tales “cool” again. The First Novel is the kid I’m trying to get out of my house after raising it. The serial killer novel is where some of the technology rage goes when I have to fight stuff.

Don’t get me STARTED on the notebook full of short stories that may need revision or in various stages of completion. Or the new plot bunnies starting to poke out their wiggly little noses. So you see… NANOMO, it’s not just for November anymore. 😎

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