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[Writer Post] Networking…You Never Know…

Posted by reudaly on October 26, 2011 in Life, Writing |

When you’re a writer, you never know when or where you’re going to have an opportunity to “network”. Yes, network is one of those overused “technical” words that has lost all meaning like “platform” and “robust”, but I don’t have a better word to use…unless it’s “Schmooze” and I just LOVE that word (no, I’m not being sarcastic this time). But back to the point… schmoozing can happen just about anywhere at any time — especially when you may not think you’re not at your best for such a situation…like when you’re simply attending some other kind of show, like The Original Fort Worth Gun Show.

I never expected to do anything but people watch, handle some weapons to see what fits me. Maybe get some holiday gift ideas for family. There’s a LOT of hand-crafted jewelry at these things – in the midst of weaponry and survivalist food/gear. What I amazed me was what I came away with – a pen and a book, a prop for Redheads of the Apocalypse, and topics for this week’s blog posts.

The pen, I’ve already talked about in the pen blog. If you haven’t seen that one, check it out. Lehr Arts does dynamite work…well, maybe not dynamite, but I haven’t seen their whole line… The book is the shocker.

I met Daryl Parker at the show. He’s a local guy who’s part of a shooting range in the area called Marksman’s Challenge. He was a competitor on History Channel’s Top Shot. He was at the Gun Show promoting the range, himself, and his book, Sacrifice of the Season – which is a dark historical fantasy – at the beginning of the American Industrial Revolution, West Virginia, with Faeries. I’m fairly certain he’s put this book out himself, which a lot of people are doing, but he’s found and interesting niche to catapult from – gun shows – which is important when you start down this road. I wonder how he’d do in the SF convention realm – we could use his weapons expertise for research – and he could benefit from knowing more people in his literary area.


I was NOT expecting to find a historical fantasy author in the middle of a gun show. But if Daryl can use his range and his TV work to help find new fantasy fans…more power to him. I will support that. In fact, I did – I bought the book.

As for the Redheads prop, now that’s not as far of a leap. One of the jewelry vendors had a lot of skull jewelry (I know, I was so not shocked). I started talking to the guy because one ring that caught my eye – which is a band made of little skulls like Caroline Specter had at FenCon. He just didn’t have one in my size – yet. He did let me have one to use in a future manuscript and wants me to send links to electronic stuff to recommend to his daughter. Oh, yeah, I need to do that. 😎

Three good connections. One gun show. You just never, ever know where you’re going to meet people who like what you do and might help you out. So keep that in mind when you’re wandering around any event. You never know who you might meet or what might happen.

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